[center][h1][color=ec008c]Alexandria "Alexis" Deva[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h3]Off to Training[/h3][/center] Alexis was a bit offended that Sophia didn't want to talk a bit more, but then again, they were supposed to be rivals, so it didn't really matter much to her...Alexis just realized that she had just acknowledged Sophia as her RIVAL. Sophia, the poser. Sophia, the girl who thinks she can think so highly of herself because she has powers. Sophia, the girl that pretty much put her in the ambulance that brought them all to Mesalon in the first place. In order to distract herself from that fact, she brought her pokemon to the nurse, and pretty much speed-read all the magazines that the center had to offer the entire time she waited for them to be healed. As soon as they were ready to go out again, she sent them out of their poke balls, and desperately said, "[color=ec008c]Alright you three, let's go find a way to beat the gym.[/color]" The three of them hadn't been so weirded out in their entire lives. Alexis even forgot about returning them to their poke balls. She just put the things away, picked up all three of them, and sped walked so fast out of that pokemon center, you'd think she grew up in one of those busy, crowded cities. [center][h2][color=39b54a]Deneb Astrologian[/color] In the Pokemon Center[/h2][/center] [@LuckyBlackCat][@Dusksong] Edea had never thought she'd see the day that Deneb would start conversing with other humans. Sure, she didn't quite trust the two females, but at least her own trainer was starting to actually do something more than stare at people. It was cause for a celebration! A controlled one, but a celebration nonetheless. A victory dance, to be specific. The Maractus pulled out her maracas, and shook them all around the place, dancing around. She didn't even notice the other pokemon...though it would seem as if she did, considering that she swung the maracas their way. Honestly, it looked as if she was deliberately trying to whack them. Deneb didn't...Well, that was a lie. He noticed Edea doing that. Thing was, she did that ALL THE TIME, and often ended up hitting him on the head quite a few times. He'd grown so used to it that the very sight of it was natural, and he didn't see anything wrong with it. "[color=39b54a]I've never seen such pokemon. Would you mind telling me more about them?[/color]"