[center][h2]Tomoe[/h2][/center] Long story short: The Gleiv died. Tomoe lowered her weapon and flinched from the sharp pain. “Well, the king is safe,” she said, satisfied. “That dastard, whoever heard of throwing a human being at a soldier? Never in my life…” Tomoe limped over to the rest of the group. [i]I’ll have to watch my footing next battle,[/i] she thought. [i]No use being a bodyguard if I can’t protect my own blasted ankle.[/i] Tomoe let out a breath and sat down as Keerin came to her. “Yep, that’s me,” Tomoe replied. “Thankfully, it’s just a sprained ankle; my weapon took most of the impact, and I’m glad that he wasn’t hurt by being used as a crude ballista.”