Well the 'battle' unfolded like it was expected. Mass confusion on hte rioters' side, mass death, it was basically a genocide really. Botler fire and grenades tore through the lightly to no armored heretics and soon everything was tured into a nice paste of bone, flesh and blood everywhere. Vala was impressed actually, she had seen such scenes in the past, but usually in tightly cramped corridors on ships. To see it on the ground in the open was a whole different kind of experience. She salso supposed it was partly because on ships the targets were usually at least armored to some extend... Anyhow it appeared there were some stragglers who tried to run before they were reached by the decimation that unfolded. One of htose was taken down quickly by Andromedai. That said, another silent shot also happened when Vala also fired at another self proclaimed runner of the carnage. Her solid slug projectile silently tore through the air, impacting at the back of hte head on her target. The effect was instantaneous as his face was basically blow away, leaving a huge hole through his entire head. The second shot she fired was at another one's leg, creating a bloody mess where his knee should have been. He wasn't dead, but probably was going to be if he wasn't treated soon. Still she had anothe reason why she didn't kill him.[color=9e0b0f]" I secured a target for interogation. Someone can go fetch him... before he bleedouts."[/color] She stated with a shrug, firing at another fleeing rebel.