Vanessa gave a polite head shake to The Bees as they offered to carry her dress so it wouldn't drag. The skirt did drag along the ground, but the dress itself was actually made from a material designed to withstand it. Dresses like the one that Vanessa was currently wearing had been in fashion for an extensively long time, and the complaint of a tattered skirt was quite frequent. That pushed one tailor too far, and in an effort to rid himself of having to repair countless skirts, he devised a new material with the help of several collaborative scientists. Zharthorian steelsilk was the result, and it held the dress together quite well. Gone were the days of tattered and dirty skirts from trips to the city or long court sessions, and the tailors of the universe were relieved that they would now have the time to work on other projects. Vanessa's dress was composed of Zharthorian steelsilk, though it would still rip and tear like normal cloth if needed, it would be fine against the hazards of common dirt and grime that usually presented themselves in an area such as this. Toony seemed to take the hint that this greeting was far from ordinary, and was thankfully playing along. With several of The Bees having donned classical private eye gear, Vanessa was glad to have shared the feeling of unease with the rest of the crew. Vanessa widened her eyes in mock shock for a moment, and falsely exclaimed. "Oh, dear me! I have forgotten something of grand importance! I shall return shortly." Toony mentioning that she had nothing left on the ship had reminded Vanessa to ensure that her own belongings were safe. The possibility that the [i]Quest for Flavor[/i] would be looted was higher than the usual standard, and Vanessa wanted to be sure that nobody would be taking anything that didn't belong to them. Turning swiftly, Vanessa hurried up the boarding ramp. Her heels clicked as she walked, though Vanessa showed an unnatural dexterity with them. Aboard the ship, Vanessa moved swiftly to her room and opened the door. After confirming that no one was inside Vanessa closed the door and punched a code into the small panel nearby. A small thunk was heard, and the door was sealed. Nodding to herself, Vanessa returned to where she had been previously. Only a few moments had passed since she had left, and all was well now.