[center][hr][hr][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Lionel%20Wickett&name=AKENATEN.ttf&size=65&style_color=9C6F6F[/IMG] [hr][b]Location:[/b] Engine Room[hr][/center] Little Gideon had a concussion, eh? Lionel had suffered one of those before when certain business deals ended up going less than smoothly. Funnily enough, he couldn't remember exactly what caused that concussion or what he did while out of sorts. In fact, the only reason he knew about the concussion was because Marsha had told him about it after waking up after the fact. That he remembered because it was one of the rare times she wasn't being a total nuxing gou. She had a big plate of breakfast and a great big smile on her face that seemed to fade when she saw him get out of bed. Wait a shuǐdào dǎjiāng minute. Distracted by the internal outrage thoughts about his ex-wife usually brought up, Lionel nodded his head in assention when Dorothy told him to stay with Gideon. He followed behind Gideon and Dorothy as they left the engine room, not because he had any particularly powerful urge to avoid the now inevitable Alliance reaming that was en route for the crew, nor because he may have shared Dorothy's altruistic urge to catch the engineer if he fell (although if Gideon did fall backwards, Lionel would probably try to catch him), must for the far simpler fact that he had just recovered from a back injury and the aches from this most recent ship crash did not leave him in the mood to walk any faster than absolutely necessary.