[h3]Falke East Shopping District[/h3] "I would recommend ye take yer leave as quick as ye can friend." The man said with a slight snarl that offset his previously polite responses. Cain was at an impasse, he was here to collect information and make an informed decision on what he wished to do next, but staying would certainly cause this man to alert the guards and the surrounding crowds, Cain probably could escape them with his knowledge from the city but that in itself would be a major inconvenience and would keep guards on the lookout for him. Yet even despite all these variables, from a sense of annoyance Cain really did not want to let this guy talk down to him with no issue. "With further reassurance. Why don't you-" Cain was interrupted when the man grabbed a handful of the back of his hood. "I said you'd best leave, friend! Or perhaps take the consideration to dress with much less-" The man himself was interrupted with a savage punch to his stomach, knocking the wind out of him and sending the man hunched over on the ground. Cain readjusted his hood. "Enjoyment. As a professional, am ashamed to admit it but; did enjoy that much more than should have. Please refrain from harassing citizens in the future." Cain said quickly, as if to conclude his turn in this petty battle of one upsmanship. Swiftly and before the man could even start alerting the guards, the immediate surrounding crowd had turned their attention to the two, Cain began pushing his way through the mass of humanity. Blending in was finished but if he was quick the descriptions of him may get jumbled up and wrong. "It was him! It was the freak in the leather armour!" A woman helpfully pointed out from one of the crowd, prompting others to yell out vague pieces of information on Cain and others to call for the guards proper. Amass the sea of angry faces trying to push him back or hurling insults in his face, Cain kept his head down and continued pushing and squeezing his way to the edge of the crowd.