[center][h2][color=92278f]Sicaria Velinian[/color][/h2][/center] In life, there was very little that Sicaria regretted. In fact, the only thing that she could recall feeling this way about off the top of her head was her first boyfriend, but she had a new thing to add to that list: Asking what happened with a Geth in the room. Instead of a simple, one sentence answer, she got the exact course of events that had happened since the arrival of the unit to the area. While it must've been an interesting series of events, she decided it would be a better use of her time to take in the faces of those around that she would be fighting with soon enough. So, while the AI spat back what had happened in the last five minutes, the Turian took the opportunity to formulate some opinions of her new squadmates. Some were harder to make guesses on, and some had unsavory opinions formed on them, but everything was subject to change at this point. For example, when the Geth apparently known as Phalanx finally stopped his explanation, she got a better idea of who it was. On the other hand, she noticed that the lone asari in the group was probably at least a little crazy. Sicaria could also feel the eyes of the human in the pitch-black suit boring into her, causing her to shiver slightly. It was like the man was pouring ice water on her neck, but she refocused when the human Spectre called for everyone's attention. He addressed everyone individually, which was a nice touch, though he made the mistake of saying that she could go back to slumming if she refused the offer. Rather than blow up on him immediately, she decided it would be a better idea to wait until the end of his briefing. Come the end of that, she spoke up with a little more than a hint of bitterness in her voice and her arms crossed over her chest. [color=92278f]"I'm willing to join, but I'm far from a slummer. Vetia and I've done well for ourselves there, and we're looking at an apartment closer to the Presidium. Anyway, let's get moving, I don't like the idea of Cerberus sticking around the Galaxy."[/color] At that moment, she felt someone push past her, to which she raised her Phaeston at, then slowly lowered it as a Drell uncloaked and introduced himself. Seemed like a somewhat reasonable character, though something did seem a little off about him. For now, she dismissed the feeling for jumpiness of a mission coming up. By the end of it, Sicaria was satisfied with the team Anderson had put her in, and only had a single question to ask. [color=92278f]"I know you have freedom of speech here, Citadel Space has it, but the Terra Firma party stands directly in the way of progress. Why keep the crosshairs off them?"[/color]