"Your army grows by the second!" Ludi smiled as his eyes fell upon the silent falcon perched within its cage. He listened as Stefano detailed his exact hunting method, nodding here and there as he described just how well-trained his pets can be. When the gambling noble finished, Ludivico gave himself a moment of contemplation before weighing in, arquebus still in his hands. [color=yellow]"...Just try not to pull in more then we can handle. Any objections?"[/color] "You've a good system set. We'd do well not to disrupt it the night before we're put to the test. However, what we face are no ordinary beasts of the hunt. They've an intelligence close to man with regards to the battlefield. You'll be the better set of eyes surveying the landscape before me. If you sense a flank or doubling of enemy forces, signal me, as I'll do the same, and we'll reposition ourselves for a proper riposte." The weapons returned back into the hands of their original owners. Stefano wished for a toast to this new partnership, and Ludivico couldn't agree more. He chuckled as the man asked if he carried any liquor. "I may not be a rum-drinking pirate anymore, but old habits do die hard." Ludivico reached for a bottle in his traveling pack and uncorked it. The smell of spiced caramel filled the air. "To new brothers in arms. May Ristoth keep our wits about us as we step feet first into the blight of our lands." Ludivico gave one jolly swig and passed it to Stefano. "Gold Pyre, that brand is. One of [i]many[/i] gifts I received from a Consiglieri's wife." He laughed as the warm drink lit up his throat and comforted his belly. [@Cuddle Pot]