Sans woke up half expecting there to have been a reset after three years. Yet he still woke up like the day before. On the surface with papyrus and gaster. Sans could hear the commotion of pans hitting together and the occasional nyeh coming from Dow stairs confirming that papyrus was up making 'spaghetti'. As much as he loved paps he could not cook just yet. But he still eat everything paps made. Sans got up from the bed passing the self sustaining trash tornado and made his way to the door. He opened it to the sight of gaster sitting on the couch down stairs. "*hey g" sans said stretching as he popped his spine. "Hello sans" gaster said as he looked up from the book he was reading. "*dad I'm flabber[b]gastered[/b] you work in this early." Sans said as he walked down stairs.