[@Mokley] Alright, completed my application sheet. [hider=Trilune Lewthyne d'Arch] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4ugnx5h.png[/img][/center] [b]Write your name legibly:[/b] [i][color=C11B17]Trilune Lewthwyne d'Arch. Pronounced Leh-ohw--thwine.[/color][/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i][color=C11B17]Physically, twenty-three.[/color][/i] [b]Home Address (or where you might often be found):[/b] [i][color=C11B17]Woondaly. One learns much from growing up in a trade center bustling with life. It is truly a pity that some take it for granted, whilst others envy or look down on it, and yet others know not of its existence. Curious, don't you think?[/color][/i] [b]Why are you filling out this application?[/b] [i][color=C11B17]To acquire brand-new skills and hone those I already possess. Understanding more types of humans and species will be vital knowledge as well. Being in Woondaly, it is incredibly diverse and feels like I have been nearly everywhere; that is merely an illusion, however. Recent travellers here tell me the outside world is vastly different in its own way. Also, I believe more minds dealing with investigations, the better your chances are, yes?[/color][/i] [b]What do you know about the Tin Dragon Detective Agency?[/b] [color=C11B17][i]You [/i][u]were[/u][i] an alchemist's guild. You explored and studied the latest discovered plants, minerals, and mythical creatures. You probed into trailblazing and field research. You currently handle investigations. That said, I know what you [/i][u]let[/u][i] the crowd know. Organizations that are fairly successful with their job tend to be efficient in doing that. Your ranks have dropped a few members, though, I hear.[/i][/color] [b]You're investigating the death of a young nobleman at his mansion. His wife tells you he had fallen down drunk after coming home from the pub. The butler tells you he'd never gone out, and simply dropped dead after his tea. The postman tells you he'd seen the young nobleman in an argument with a fairy earlier that day. What do you do next? Why? There is no wrong answer.[/b] [i][color=C11B17]All are suspicious. His wife may have something against him, his butler may be against him, and the postman may be against him, too, trying to throw me off. They could also not trust me and are "protecting" the nobleman's case. I would first check out why he might have gone to the pub and if he visited regularly. Survey the bartenders and other people there that day whether they had seen him. His method of transportation is crucial. Check his vehicles and the surrounding/regular places he uses to refill/charge them with gas/electricity. Could the man have walked? If so, did anyone see him then? He may have used a friend's vehicle; for reasons similar to this, do not assume or trust easily. As for his tea, I would examine it for poison. Do the same to his body. Poison. After all, he may have drunk a bit of both the same day. Just track the fairy on the third suspect. Honestly, that does not seem to be very complicated. "Is the fairy even real?" should be a question answered with that information. Another option is that they are linked. Example- the nobleman was driven to the pub after his argument with the fairy turned more heated instead of lightening up.[/color][/i] [b]The officer's son you're sworn to protect and your mother are both hanging from a cliff. You have time to save one before they fall. Which do you save?[/b] [i][color=C11B17]The officer's son. My mother is a widow, she would be content to be released with her trusted, beloved soulmate and husband, my father. I know her very well; she'd be proud of my decision to stand by my oath.[/color][/i] [b]What is your favorite tea?[/b] [i][color=C11B17]White tea with a squeeze of lemon or lime for added zest. Or organic green tea. They are extremely healthy and rich, in my opinion.[/color][/i] [b]Please fold this application into an envelope and drop into your city's Tin Dragon tip box before midnight. You will receive our response within the week.[/b] [/hider]