[@Cyclone] I think the way you've acted have been in line with the way you play your civ, and that's what matters! Dag being friendly to the goblins in a mine they made and/or claimed would probably go against his character. At least, in my opinion. [@Lady Selune] And blood, it seems. We'll see how this ends, poor Aurilius. [i][color=gray]Foreshadowing...[/color][/i] [@Dannyrulx] You got it, govna. [@Bright_Ops] Gotcha! I figured that's what you were going for, thanks for the clarification! [@Kangutso] Finally got around to fixing that mysterious iron :P Now I'm just waiting for a few more posts and we can hop right on over to turn 8! [b]Edit:[/b] [@Pyromaniacwolf] and [@Cyclone] it seems you both come from a similar land before settling here. Perhaps you came from the same home? Perhaps lycans are actually skraelings? :^) Jokes aside, I see potential here, if you two want to explore anything like that.