[@Lmpkio] Well here's my character concept. If there is any balancing issues let me know as I'm willing to fix any problems. [hider=Kilgarrah, Reborn Dragon] [img]http://img05.deviantart.net/c063/i/2015/287/6/e/artifact_dragon_by_sandara-d6xqx94.jpg[/img] [h1][center][color=orange][b]Kilgarrah, Master of Dragons[/b][/color][/center][/h1] [center] [i]"I will show you the power of Dragons!"[/i] [/center] [b]Gender:[/b] [right][b][color=black]Male[/color][/b][/right] [b]Age:[/b] [right][b][color=black]Older then human history[/color][/b][/right] [b]Race:[/b] [right][b][color=black]Kaiju-Dragon[/color][/b][/right] [b]Faction:[/b] [right][b][color=black]Earth Defender[/color][/b][/right] [h2][center][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/center][/h2] [indent] Kilgarrah, once a monster, is reborn as a prideful 'savior' of humanity. He sees himself as an ancient and powerful relic of earth's past, his race all but forgotten to time. His drive now is to show the modern era the primordial powers of ancient history, especially what he sees as 'filthy' creatures that invade earth from other realms. He can relate to mutants, as he himself could be considered one long ago, but aliens he sees as truly disgusting creatures. Despite his current alignment with humans, his pride makes him reluctant to ally with other GDF Kaiju, except those who are human and fight in machines.[/indent] [h2][center][b][u]History[/u][/b][/center][/h2] [indent] Kilgarrah was one of many dragons that roamed in times before humans had evolved from primates. These ancient beasts were the embodiment of magic and fire, but despite their infamous power few ever grew to be considered Kaiju's. Kilgarrah himself wasn't always as large as he is today, it wasn't until that a thirst for power did Kilgarrah's size began to exceed most of his peers. Around the same time Civilization was on the rise with castles and villages, did Kilgarrah roam the earth in search of power. Obtaining the knowledge of arcane discovered by mortals, slaying other dragons to absorb his kin's power, and other monstrous methods were his actions to thirst the thrill for dominance. This path to destruction had awakened his monstrous behavior, as did many others of his kin. Dragons had became a scourge to humanity far more then the occasional predator. Villages and kingdoms were burned to the ground, women and children devoured, and knights and kings crushed by these monsters. Though dragon slayers became more common, Kilgarrah had obtained a great deal of power in magic, having mastered four elements; Earth, Fire, Water, and Dark. The dragon still sought more by trying to discover the power of light itself. Futile due to his inability to conquer his sins, his wrath eventually lead him to be sealed by a wizard who's name he never learned. Imprisoned in earth and stone, the dragon slumbered beneath the earth's crust with damaged pride and a crushed dream. As ages past, the dragon's prison taught him patience, quelled his rage. He had all but forgotten his thirst for power and dominion. While underground however, Kilgarrah grew and grew, both in mind and body. He wasn't unaware of his newfound size until he finally awoken. The rise of Kaiju and their destructive power, in addition to the weariness of time, had weakened his seal. So broken was his seal Kilgarrah was able to awaken and ascend from the earth. When he rose to the ground, with most of his wicked nature now absolved, he rose in a new form, a master of the light. Though he still retains shadows of his sins in his personality, Kilgarrah is no longer bent on destruction and mayhem. Time had warped his once thought of revenge for being sealed into respect for humanity for being able to bring down such a beast as himself. If humans were able to stop him, why do they deserve to be slaughtered by new monsters that walked the worth?[/indent] [hider=Powers/Abilities] [hider=Overview] Kilgarrah is a dragon who has fire and magic flowing through his veins. Through his sorcery, in addition to casting powerful spells, he can transform himself into an alternate state of being, taking one of five elements and mastering it. Kilgarrah's most unique ability is the ability to shape shift into several different dragon forms. Though there is no limit to how often he can transform, the period it takes to switch between forms or to revert to his base form is 2 minutes, leaving him vulnerable at that time. All forms have an indefinite heat resistance and cannot be burned (This immunity only applies to fire and heat alone, other damages that come from attacks like explosive, physical, and other forces are still able to damage him in any form.), as well as being vulnerable to cold temperatures (Cryogenic weaponry, ice magic, cold temperatures. Such factors can lower Kilgarrah's stamina (Being cold-blooded), counter attack certain abilities (I.E. Fire), and risk of hypothermia or freezing solid. Frozen scales are also brittle and easier to break.) Kilgarrah can regenerate overtime, but the regeneration factor is a month-process making it ineffective in combat scenarios. Each form is ranked from F to S based on key attributes. F: Upper human limit level E: Superhuman level D: Lower Kaiju level C: Average Kaiju level B: Above Average Kaiju level A: Greater Kaiju level S: Maximum Kaiju level Ranked attributes are listed as Size: Weight: Speed(On land): (Additional speeds for flight and other surfaces, if any, such as swimming, are accounted for separately.) Strength (physical): Durability (In Kilgarrah's case this refers to how hard are the scales/hide): Power(refers to overall non-physical power, such as magic, breath weapon, etc.): Example: Godzilla (Movie Godzilla) would be Size: A Weight: A Speed: C Swim Speed: B Strength: A Durability: C Power: A Or Zilla (1990's 'merican shitzilla) Size: D Weight: D Speed: C Swim Speed: B Strength: C Durability: E Power: F (Or null) [/hider] [hider=Base Kilgarrah] [img]http://img05.deviantart.net/c063/i/2015/287/6/e/artifact_dragon_by_sandara-d6xqx94.jpg[/img] Attributes Size: B (65 meters) Weight: C Speed: C Flight Speed: B Strength: B Durability: A Power: A [center][u]Arcane Breath:[/u][/center] Kilgarrah can naturally exhale a beam of blue aura, composed of raw magic. Cast Time: 1 second Cool Down: 30 seconds [center][u]Draconic Blast[/u][/center] Kilgarrah shoots a fireball from his mouth with twice the power of "Spell bomb" Cast Time: 40 seconds Cool Down: 10 minutes [center][u]Magic Missile:[/u][/center] Kilgarrah summons multiple bolts of raw magic, resembling blue spears of transparent aura. These bolts are fired and act similar to homing missiles, and explode upon impact. Amount ranges from 3 to 7 bolts. Cast Time: 10 seconds Cool Down: 5 minutes [center][u]Spell Bomb[/u][/center] Kilgarrah charges a large sphere of blue aura in his mouth, then launches it after a 30 second charge period. Blast is enough to tear through 50 city blocks. Cast Time: 30 seconds Cool Down: 5 minutes [center][u]Binding Seal[/u][/center] Kilgarrah summons several chains made of blue aura at a target, spawning from the surrounding earth.. Each chain is about 50 feet thick, and have a near-platinum durability. Kilgarrah cannot move for the duration of the spell, if he does then the spell ends. The chains aim to immobilize the target and slowly crush it against the earth, or at least restrain it completely. Spell ends if any chain is broken, or if Kilgarrah's concentration is broken. Cast Time: 5 seconds Cool Down: 30 minutes [center][u]Rending Sorcery[/u][/center] Kilgarrah's claw becomes surrounded in magic aura, swinging that claw in any direction sends five giant crescent shaped waves of raw magic in a position mimicking his claws, able to cut through steel with ease. Cast time: 5 seconds Cool Down: 10 minutes [center][u]Mana Burn[/u][/center] Blue Aura shrouds Kilgarrah like a burning flame. While the spell is active, Kilgarrah's strength and speed are increased, and physical attacks are imbued with raw magic damage. [/hider] [hider=White Bahamut] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4d/d5/79/4dd5792216ee89a05ca2906cec5adb58.jpg[/img] Size: A (75 meters) Weight: B Speed: C Flight Speed: A Strength: A Durability: A Power: B [center][u]Radiant Breath[/u][/center] Kilgarrah fires a beam of white light from his mouth, sending fourth a burning ray of intense heat and radiant damage. Cast Time: 3 seconds Cool Down: 30 seconds [center][u]Divinity Cannon[/u][/center] Kilgarrah charges radiant energy in his front, blade-like, horn, then fires a beam of radiant, spiraling energy which acts as a drill that can cut through a sheet of metal with a hole 50 ft in diameter. Cast Time: 6 seconds Cool Down: 5 minutes [center][u]Restoring Word[/u][/center] Kilgarrah exhales a white radiant smoke that regenerates most organic matter that comes into contact. Kilgarrah cannot heal himself with this ability. Smoke clears after 2 minutes of exposure to air. Casting Time: 1 second Cool Down: 30 minutes [center][u]Inspiring Roar[/u][/center] Kilgarrah buffs up to several targets with radiant energy. Those that are buffed have increased Durability, Strength, and Cellular regeneration until it wears off. Kilgarrah cannot buff himself. Cast Time: 5 seconds Cool Down after buff fades: 30 minutes Buff Lasts: 5 minutes [center][u]Justice Blade[/u][/center] Kilgarrah buffs his front horn, wing tips, claws, or tail-spear with radiant energy, taking the form of a sharp crescent blade/blades composed of white energy. The buff both extends the length of the claw/horn/tailspear/teeth by 1.5x the original length, increasing the physical damage of the blade, and additionally inflicts intense radiant damage. Cast Time: 5 seconds Cool Down: 5 minutes Buff Lasts: 30 seconds [center][u]Bullet Storm[/u][/center] Kilgarrah flaps all four wings, sending fourth a wave of intense air pressure that is followed by dozens of crescent shaped energy projectiles sharp enough to cut through steel. Each blade is 50 feet in length. Cast Time: 10 seconds Cool Down: 10 minutes [center][u]Dragon's Judgement[/u][/center] Kilgarrah grabs a target either with claw or tail, and sends both a great amount of radiant energy and a high voltage, 10x that of a lightning bolt, at the held target. Cast Time: 3 seconds Cool Down: 5 minutes [center][u]Charge of Judgement[/u][/center] Kilgarrah becomes surrounded in a blinding white aura, before bursting forward in a straight direction at intense speeds, Directly impacting his target with both physical energy and the radiant energy that surrounded him from the attack. He Cannot change direction in the charge. Cast Time: 10 seconds Cool Down: 5 minutes [/hider] [hider=Black Tiamut] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/l5r/images/0/0a/Shadow_Dragon.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120415102508[/img] Size: B (150 meters long, 20 in diameter) Weight: C Speed: B Swim Speed: B Flight Speed: B Strength: C Durability: C Power: S [center][u]Hell Fire[/u][/center] Kilgarrah breathes black flames from his mouth, which spreads almost as if it were a gas. Cast Time: 5 seconds Cool Down: 30 seconds [center][u]Black Acid[/u][/center] Kilgarrah charges then shoots a black sphere from his mouth, which upon impact explodes like a waterballoon into a mass of black, boiling liquid with the same acidic quality of hydrochloric acid. Cast Time: 10 seconds Cool Down: 10 minutes [center][u]Death's Whisper[/u][/center] Kilgarrah exhales a black smoke that snakes forward from the mouth before spreading out as a gas. The gas rapidly decays most organic matter it comes into contact with, aside from Kilgarrah himself. Smoke lasts for 2 minutes before dissolve in air. Most Kaiju inflicted will receive minor to moderate flesh-rot related injuries upon full exposure. Any contact with the gas neutralizes cellular regeneration for 4 minutes. Cast Time: 15 seconds Cool Down: 30 minutes [center][u]Shaded Nightmare[/u][/center] A shadow of a living target (within sight and relatively medium or close range of Kilgarrah) pools out a black, tar-like liquid as black as the shadow itself. The pool's size varies on the target's size. The pool then spawns several massive black serpents (Again porportionate to the targets size) made of a semi-liquid, black substance similar to the pool it spawned from. These serpents will constrict and bite down on the target, as well as to try to keep it constrained. While in effect, Kilgarrah is immobile, and the target has some of its life energy drained. Damage inflicted is then transferred to Kilgarrah as regenerative energy. Spell ends after 2 minutes. Spell is cancelled if Kilgarrah moves at all during the spell, or if the target escapes the pool before or after being attacked by the serpents. Does not work on machines, even if having a living operator. Cast Time: 30 seconds Cool Down: 1 hour [center][u]Necrotic Touch[/u][/center] Kilgarrah's claw becomes imbued with green aura. Organic material that comes into direct contact with the claw will rapidly rot the surrounding matter for 10 seconds, meaning the wound from being scratched by the claw would grow about 10x the original size, becoming more severe. Organisms inflicted with this spell cannot regenerate for 5 minutes. Cast Time: 5 seconds Cool Down: 30 minutes Duration: 30 seconds [center][u]Ray of Despair[/u][/center] Kilgarrah exhales a cylindrical beam of dark energy, blasting its target with great magical force. Cast Time: 15 seconds Cool Down: 5 minutes [center][u]Shadow Travel[/u][/center] Kilgarrah dissolves into his own Shadow, then reforms elsewhere at a maximum distance of a half a kilometer. Destination must be within sight while casting the spell, or else it is cancelled. If Kilgarrah is somehow prevented or interrupted while 'shadow traveling' he is forced back into a physical body, at the original position where he casted the spell. Cast Time: 10 seconds Cool Down: 5 minutes. [/hider] [hider=Red Ryujin] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b7/a9/04/b7a904323a84fe49a581998bfde0c8a4.jpg[/img] Size: B (70 meters) Weight: A Speed: C Flight Speed: C Strength: A Durability: B Power: S [center][u]Dragon Fire[/u][/center] Kilgarrah exhales a jet of crimson red fire that burns as hot as molten rock, as well as inflicted a great amount of physical pressure from the condensed heat. Cast Time: 3 seconds Cool Down: 30 seconds [center][u]Burning Barrage[/u][/center] Kilgarrah charges a burning heat in his mouth before firing one or multiple (five max.) massive fireballs from his mouth, in rapid fire succession. Each fireball can deliver incredible explosive force and heat. Cast Time: 2 seconds for each fireball Cool Down: 1 minutes for each Fireball [center][u]Heat Wave[/u][/center] Kilgarrah flaps his wings forward, sending a massive wave of burning air forward that is roughly the size of the average tsunami. The fire burns at 3,700 F and the wind pressure is enough to tear down small buildings. Cast Time: 20 seconds Cool Down: 10 minutes [center][u]Crimson Armor[/u][/center] Kilgarrah becomes shrouded in intense flames, making his figure become a silhoutte and surrounded by intense heat. Cast Time: 3 seconds Cool Down: 5 minutes Duration: 1 minute [center][u]Flaming Sword[/u][/center] Kilgarrah's Tail's tip extends into a massive blade, 3x the length of the natural tail spear, composed entirely of concentrated magic and Dragon Fire Cast Time: 5 seconds Cool Down: 5 minutes Duration: 1 minute [center][u]Tyrant's Conquest[/u][/center] Stomping on the ground with a burning claw, or directly on a kaiju, Kilgarrah creates a small tremor in the form of a straight line upon the ground, creating rising spikes of earthern debris and fire at a total distance of 1/4 a kilometer. Alternatively sends an AoE shockwave tremor of a similar effect, but higher concentration in force, around himself with a radius of 1/8th a kilometer. Cast Time: 5 seconds Cool Down: 10 minutes [center][u]Rage of the Ancients[/u][/center] Kilgarrah summons several oriental styled dragons composed of fire and magic(3 max), each low-kaiju sized. These dragons only form from the mid torso and up, as they are fused with Kilgarrah's back, and lash out like extending tentacles. The dragon heads attack either by head-bashing, fire breathing, or swallowing and consuming a target in fire. [center][u]Fire Bolt[/u][/center] Kilgarrah shoots a bolt of flames, so condense that it acts as a piercing attack with an explosive after-hit. Cast Time: 10 seconds Cool Down: 5 minutes [center][u]Infernal Reign[/u][/center] Kilgarrah raises his wings and creates a swirling vortex of intense flame and pressure, surrounding both him and an area of 1/2th a kilometer in diamater. Cast Time: 15 seconds Cool Down (After spell ends): 10 minutes Duration: 5 minutes [/hider] [hider=Blue Jormungandr] [img]http://pre13.deviantart.net/ef1b/th/pre/f/2016/182/2/d/lightning_serpent_by_danielgovar-da88w8o.jpg[/img] Size: A (180 meters long) (12 meters diameter) Weight: C Speed: D Swim Speed: S Strength: C Durability: D Power: B [center][u]Storm Breath[/u][/center] Kilgarrah shoots a high voltage electric line compose of three separate bolts Cast Time: 3 seconds Cool Down: 30 seconds [center][u]Sensory Pulse[/u][/center] Kilgarrah sends an eletric pulse that temporarily stuns most animals within 1 kilometer in the same body of water he is. Stun lasts from 5 to 30 seconds. Ineffective on land. Cast Time: 1 second Cool Down: 10 minutes [center][u]Thunder Torrent [/u][/center] Kilgarrah's scales becomes highly charged with electricity, electrocuting whatever bioform he comes in contact with. Cast Time: 1 second Cool Down: 10 minutes Duration: 1 minute [center][u]Hydro Armor[/u][/center] Kilgarrah becomes surrounded in concentrated water pressure, increasing his durability. Cast Time: 2 seconds Cool Down: 1 minute Lasts: 1 minute [center][u]Water Pistol[/u][/center] Kilgarrah shoots up to three large-mass projectiles of water from his mouth, in rapid fire, each pressurized 50x that of a fire truck's hose. Cast Time: 3 seconds Cool Down: 1 minute for each projectile. [center][u]Red Sea[/u][/center] Kilgarrah can separate the waters of any body of water to its solid floor. Size limit for the cleared area is 1/4th a kilometer in diameter. When Spell ends, The parted waters rapidly flood and crash back down. The more water seperated the greater the impact. Cast Time: 10 seconds Cool Down: 5 minutes Duration: 30 seconds-1 minute [/hider] [hider=Green Niddhogg] [img]http://pre06.deviantart.net/b9b3/th/pre/i/2014/329/9/9/carnivorous_dragon_by_dragolisco-d87n7wr.jpg[/img] Size: S (95 meters) Weight: A Speed: B Strength: A Durability: S Power: C [center][u]Primal Breathe[/u][/center] Kilgarrah exhales a ray of heat and pressure of moderate power Cast Time: 3 seconds Cool Down: 30 seconds [center][u]Deafening Roar[/u][/center] Kilgarrah shouts a high pressurized roar with enough pressure to tear down small buildings in a 100 city block radius. Cast Time: 3 seconds Cool Down: 10 minutes [center][u]Primeval Tremor[/u][/center] Kilgarrah stomps and creates a 1 kilometer diameter earthquake. Cast Time: 5 seconds Cool Down: 10 minutes Duration: 30 seconds [center][u]Primordial Wrath[/u][/center] Kilgarrah fires a mountain-crumbling projectile of energy from his mouth. Cast Time: 30 seconds Cool Down: 30 minutes [/hider] [hider=Mortal Disguise, Jacob Allistar] [img]https://images8.alphacoders.com/687/687501.jpg[/img] Size: F (2 meters) Weight: F Speed: E Strength: E Durability: E Power: C Kilgarrah's recent attempt to blend in with human society. As a result of using a seal to transform himself into a human, "Jacob's" power is far more limited then his true draconic form. Though with superhuman strength, agility, and durability, in addition to the heat residence and other attributes all of his forms share, it is far weaker in comparison. He still posses the arcane, but once again limited. [center][u]Sealed Blast[/u][/center] Kilgarrah fires a sphere of blue aura which delivers a blast equal to that of a frag grenade. Cast Time: 10 seconds Cool Down: 30 seconds. [center][u]Arcane Sword[/u][/center] Kilgarrah creates a sword of blue aura. The conjured weapon has a durability and cutting power equal of steel. Cast Time: 5 seconds Cool Down: 5 minutes Duration: 5 minutes [center][u]Magic Barrier[/u][/center] Kilgarrah summons a wall of solid blue aura in front of him, with a maximum size of 20 by 20 feet. Though small, it has an incredible durability that can withstand a few kaiju-level attacks Cast Time: 5 seconds Cool Down: 10 seconds Duration: 10 minutes max [center][u]Sorcerer Blast[/u][/center] Shoots a beam of raw magic from his hand, same approximate power as Sealed Blast, but without the explosive force is replaced with an equivalent of physical/knockback force. Cast Time: 7 seconds Cool Down: 30 seconds [center][u]Fireball[/u][/center] Kilgarrah summons a fireball with more explosive force as a frag grenade. Cast Time: 7 seconds Cool Down: 1 minutes [center][u]Wizard Chain[/u][/center] Kilgarrah summons a chain from his hand with a width of 6 inches and a maximum length of 30 feet. The chain can attach to any object or person that isn't too heavy. The chain has a durability of iron. Spell ends if chain is broken. Cast Time: 3 seconds Cool Down: 30 seconds Duration: 1 minute max. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider]