[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=crimson][center]Spencer[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.ppy.sh/46e05df63e4fd0fac9209916621983e8dcf02571/687474703a2f2f6936332e74696e797069632e636f6d2f33306b613638352e706e67[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=crimson]Location: [/color]The Square.[/center][center][color=crimson]Interacting With: [/color]Azerus, Hooded Woman.[/center] [color=crimson]"A-aa-!"[/color] With Spencer's mouth held shut, she couldn't speak back to the priest, his grip on her small frame powerful and commanding. Fear struck the young vampire, and as he spoke of her dwelling in the dark for the rest of her days, Spencer began to fear for her life, heartbeat escalating rapidly. [color=crimson][i]'No... No, no-no! Nononono! I-I don't want to go there! That place is way to scary! Th-that's where-!'[/i][/color] Spencer's eyes began to tear up, the ocean blue giving way to droplets of crystal. Azerus could quite easily tell that Spencer was frightened; Hell, just about anybody who saw her could! However this wasn't the same kind of fright that she'd normally experience. This was something... [i]else.[/i] The world around Spencer seemed to grow darker like a blurry haze, as ominous red eyes glared at her through the darkness. Memories of a day which haunts her resurface, and her breathing becomes feverish - hyperventilation. Blood seemingly pools at her feet, and words ring out in her head: monster, flesh-eater, blood-sucker, fiend, crazy, murderer; ... Vampire... Even if Ira wanted to escape, she didn't have the strength of a vampire - not like the one which killed her father and converted her, nor like those which stared at her through the darkness. In a desperate struggle to calm herself down, she reached into her coat and gripped her sun stone so tightly it could bleed. She felt light-headed. Afraid. Sick in the stomach. And all her mind could process was: [color=crimson][i]'Go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away!'[/i][/color]