[hider=one.][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/da1nLfG.jpg[/img][/center][center][sub][h1][color=000000]&[/color][/h1][/sub][sup][h2]N[color=333333]. .[/color] ʏ[color=333333]. .[/color] x[color=333333]. .[/color][color=a1676c] ʟ[color=333333]. .[/color] ᴜ[color=333333]. .[/color] ɴ[color=333333]. .[/color] ᴀ[color=333333]. .[/color] ᴅ[color=333333]. .[/color] ᴀ[color=333333]. .[/color] ʟ[color=333333]. .[/color] E[/color][/h2][/sup][/center][center][sup][sup][sup][sup][sup][sup][sup][img]http://i.imgur.com/g6wdWPj.png[/img][/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup] [sup]Shadowhunter. [color=a1676c]◆[/color] Twenty. [color=a1676c]◆[/color] Female.[/sup][/center][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/w0XWwEk.png[/img][/center] [color=333333]. . .[/color][sub][sub][sub][h2]a p p e a r a n c e.[/h2][/sub][/sub][/sub][color=a1676c]______________________________________________________________________________[/color] [indent]With eyes gilded in the colour of rose quartz with blooming wreaths of near diluted flame panning outward, Nyx, like many of her lineage, is a creature of many visual flaws and flaxen statures, instead of willowy tall and imposing, they stand with chins notched up high - to distract and remain noticeable - and brows fixated in brooding exteriors of all-knowing glean. The sort that peer yonder flesh and bone to glimmer and glance at the soul and heart lain within. Nyx is diminutive for her age, and thus easily misguided within battle, compacted with near translucently that gives way to a waif impression that is assumed eternally waning. Though, when impressed and validated by the Mundane eye, Nyx is entirely unassuming, a delicate creature blanketed in cloth of mediocre affairs that interchange between spools of violet and silver. When not enveloped by a well donned glamour, Nyx dons for typical threads of Shadowhunter traditions; various shades of monotonous black and grey with only a silver locket donned thrice around her neck, emblazoned with the descending moon of the Lunadale homage that falls unto the rich lore of her given name. However, Nyx is a carefree and almost lazy sort, the lackadaisical woman that shuffles thin, pale scarred gestures through haphazardly willed waves of sallow hair that is almost white, the infliction of the bloodline draining colour and palour of mortal hue from skin and hair alike. Feathers of gold wreath outward through the hidden layers within her hair, darkened slowly to the roots at her nape were a curious mark eternally lays as a silvery patch of impaled tissue, scars of varying thickness and pain lie and envelop over the other and lay as a constant reminder to the work of her kith and kin. Aside from the scar of battle and descent, Nyx is typically wreathed in smaller applications from the Marks graced to her skin often, as is every individual of her particular niche and kind. The Mark that wills her eyes open and all-seeing, is blazoned onto her left hand, as is most - if not all - of her nightly gifted family. Her visual, with deeply set eyes and heavy lids of somber observation and charming glances, is not a traditional sort, being constantly speculated that something else lurks within her veins and lays down in the past of her family.[/indent] [color=333333]. . .[/color][sub][sub][sub][h2]p e r s o n a l i t y.[/h2][/sub][/sub][/sub][color=a1676c]______________________________________________________________________________[/color] [indent]Nyx is lax; unbound, un-willed, and often a creature of freeing spirits and wants. She heralds a whimsical candor of sorts, rising and falling late within the hours, always drifting yonder boundaries and venturing into places usually ill-advised. She's assumed almost careless and lazy in her endeavors, trading blows of sarcasm and wit with lilted phrases and chortles of a bell like cadence. Her applications of socializing are usually granted to her brother, who excels more so in his attempts to help forgive her oft-lacking methods of tact. Nyx observes and speculates on her fellow warriors in a sort of playful camaraderie, that they all advocate for the same benefit and dream of a peaceful existence, and woefully hopeless in their endeavors, despite all successful hunts and missions perfectly executed. Her belief of Downworlders borders a too curious mindset, easily befriending those she comes across with a swift banter that is perhaps a tad too suggestive and open, willingly allowing her glamour to fall and shed whenever she encounters them. Her uttered explanation falls onto that they are the same; half-breeds influenced by forces beyond their comprehension and control, thus uniquely of the same plight. She enjoys slight affairs, never going beyond the extra mile or attempt, performing actions at a simplistic pace, never within a rush or a hurry. The idea of urgency never inflicting her actions, Nyx does things at her owns whims and wants, all within the binds of the Covenant, but there are loop holes, and sometimes she exploits these to her own benefit and enjoyment, much to the constant dismay of her peers and family. But, Nyx is not blasphemous or disrespectful to the Clave, and now considered an adult, she's aware of the burdens of such a life and eagerly tries to remain beneath the radar with skill and power alone. As if hiding behind intentional laziness and listlessness to avoid some sort of offset responsibility. Curiously, Nyx is rumoured to harbour a form of a demented death wish, the kind that translates to a manic method of battle, in that she purposely propels herself within the line of injury and welcomes pain eagerly with a queer sort of anticipation to the awaiting blow. It's always at last minute that she reacts and responds, as if jerked within action and her reactions sudden and fierce in reflection to her every day life and performances.[/indent] [color=333333]. . .[/color][sub][sub][sub][h2]s k i l l s & a b i l i t i e s.[/h2][/sub][/sub][/sub][color=a1676c]______________________________________________________________________________[/color] [indent] Like all Shadowhunters, Nyx was bourne and trained for a life of battle, constant scars and constant hardships and raised to meet them head on. She can peer yonder glamours and wills extraordinary strength in comparison to Mundane creatures, but there is always the hidden layer or mortality in her blows, even with Marks laced and written over her skin to ensure victory. Her specialty lies in close quarter blows, using her diminutive figure to sweep in low and hard, undermining the opponent by their stance and often aims for the legs first, before engaging them further. She wields a myriad of throwing knives, her preferred tool blended with the common use of Seraph blades and wire twined with electrum. Her Marks are a usually a blend of attempts to increase her speed and empower her usual fearlessness, to bring strength and power amidst her blows and ensure she does not fall or falter. She enhances her dexterity along side these, to implement her trained use of the throwing knives to keep her aim true and her reflexes fluid. While usually planting these marks upon herself, her brother is the one to usually do so, who bears a knack for quick rune application.[/indent] [color=333333]. . .[/color][sub][sub][sub][h2]b i o g r a p h y.[/h2][/sub][/sub][/sub][color=a1676c]______________________________________________________________________________[/color] [indent] The Lunadale family falls under legacy and rumour within the Shadowhunter realm, the sort that heralds a dark past but tends to never deny or explain such and allows others to believe and think what they will. Their family is slight, not quite large - at least compared to some - but holding enough influence to be heard of on a few occasions. Mostly in reflection to their eerie similarity upon all of their featurettes; all pale skin, nearly white hair and eyes of bright, worn out colours of rose quartz; varying in shade and intensity. Typically, one generation produced one child, considered well enough in terms of means and continuing the family line, so long as they too became Shadowhunters like all before them. It implanted a sensation and practice of legacy, to live up to predetermined standards and fate to ensure that the Lunadale sigil of the descending moon beneath clouds of night would not wane beneath other lines that sired might and further strength. So, it was with quite a shock when Nyx and Nox were born, Lunadale twins - unheard of, thus rare - and successfully inducted through test and ceremony in receiving their first Marks and training to each of their strengths; within meres days of one another with results identical to every point and observation. However, it was evident that they were [i]different[/i]. A sort of skewed perspective, only slight, like a gentle, sloping axis that came with the unique kinship of two that were so alike within youth and candor. Nyx was oft silent, she refused to speak, or simply lacked the capability to do so. She communicated through wide stares and probing gestures that bid Nox to respond for her, who, even within youth, spoke eloquently and with a wide, wreathed smile of jovial wonder and intent. It was noticeable that Nyx was a wandering sort, the kind that often found herself lost but always would Nox be able to find her, they bore that sort of connection, and trouble and mischief seemed to canter after the young child; impish like and delicate. It was difficult to imagine such a slight creature to be donned within the blackest of runes and wielding knives of a fierce gleam and sharpness, slick and silver with ebony hilts and emblazoned with runes of fell intent and purpose of strength. However she soon learned to wield that implied disadvantage to her benefit, for what better way than to lure a demon into darkened alley ways and depths than by the bait of a fair girl with bright eyes and snow-hued hair. Nyx, through acute body language, muttered her first words with accentuated sighs and groans, until hunts forced the twins apart, and she was left to own devices. She spoke her first words during a solo endeavor, one that required an immediate back up against a ravenous pack of vampires gone rouge and manic, a manipulated hunt that saw her coming unto a trap. An eloquent, worn down flair of the mundane slur: "Well, shit." Since that time, she has often been preferred to participate in hunts with another to shadow her, one that requires two to be partnered and paired and watch out for another. While Nyx has killed and slain more demons than her brother, it has not gone without payment to flesh and bone. She developed a Death Wish; a demented desire of release, a slave to the rush and method of victory. One that would see her mad and manipulated. After her near demise by the hands of pale-skinned deviants, the twins were sent on a hunt - under Nox's stern suggestion to see them paired - to bring down a stray creature that appeared lycanthropic, not one of the Moon Children, but a demon warped of fur and skin and a vicious set of tooth and claw that had brought down a fellow Shadowhunter in a feral rage. It was a true test to their capabilities, and whilst they brought the beast down, the both of them bore scars in reminder of their struggle; by nape and shoulder, skin flayed and marred. Nox developed a protective nature of Nyx from then on, more so than before, even going as far as to undermine her hunts and take them upon his self, to see that she does not receive the end she so suddenly craves. One would assume that it would frustrate the woman to no ends, however she has delegated Nox to do what he pleases and has curiously optioned to remain within the backdrop of his sudden rise of talent and purpose. She could care less for the legacy of the Lunadale family and its' small numbers, her family and her estranged, thus placing a slight and increasingly ill strain onto Nyx, Nox and their family.[/indent][/hider] [hider=two.][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Wxv8PIB.jpg[/img][/center][center][sub][h1][color=000000]&[/color][/h1][/sub][sup][h2]N[color=333333]. .[/color] ᴏ[color=333333]. .[/color] x[color=333333]. .[/color][color=aab7aa] ʟ[color=333333]. .[/color] ᴜ[color=333333]. .[/color] ɴ[color=333333]. .[/color] ᴀ[color=333333]. .[/color] ᴅ[color=333333]. .[/color] ᴀ[color=333333]. .[/color] ʟ[color=333333]. .[/color] E[/color][/h2][/sup][/center][center][sup][sup][sup][sup][sup][sup][sup][img]http://i.imgur.com/g6wdWPj.png[/img][/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup] [sup]Shadowhunter. [color=aab7aa]◆[/color] Twenty. [color=aab7aa]◆[/color] Male.[/sup][/center][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/w0XWwEk.png[/img][/center] [color=333333]. . .[/color][sub][sub][sub][h2]a p p e a r a n c e.[/h2][/sub][/sub][/sub][color=aab7aa]______________________________________________________________________________[/color] [indent]In common consensus to the Lunadale heritage, Nox, like all his kith and kin is composed of near translucent flesh and sallow hair of a near bleached like quality, the colours devoid of his debut aside from a light feathering of gold that dusts from the roots of his hair, starting at the nape and spanning upward. Unlike most of his family, however, Nox maintains the threads of his tresses shorn, usually close to the crown with longer strands falling into his eyes of a crinkling, eerily glimmering sea of blue, the sides shaven. Silvery scars pan from his temples, sweeping back and curling down his ears along the right plane of his veneer, a smattering of claw like deformities that descends down onto his shoulder, skipping briefly over his neck and clavicle in a bygone reminder of vicious battle. The sharp and formation of these scars lies in familiarity to the same ones his sister maintains, giving a curious wonder if such was caused by the same creature. In further comparison to his family, Nox is taller than most, careening over six feet, capping at two inches above and looming over his kin with a endearing smile, all laced charm and benevolent qualities, his brooding brow and deeply set eyes wreathed in a lingering sort of kindness and belief. His visage remains eternally expressive, his emotions easily illustrated and thus giving way to his thoughts, never own to withhold tongue and emote from his regular routines and days. Under the flicker of a Mundane eye, his glamour cloaks him within an unassuming visual, a man clothed in reds and violets, akin to his sister, or simply passes into being unseen. Due to the eerie quality of his eyes, Nox tends to allow the longest reaches of his hair to pass over them, his fringe coating the brightness of his eyes that seem to glimmer even with light and appear more pronounced and sever within shadow. His tastes of fashion and appeal are maintained through finery, with blouses of button down likeness and black silks, the sort of man that prides himself upon upkeep of a gentry sort. Nox wears the same silver pendant wound thrice around his neck that Nyx always wears, the sigil much the same, in respect to their names and family.[/indent] [color=333333]. . .[/color][sub][sub][sub][h2]p e r s o n a l i t y.[/h2][/sub][/sub][/sub][color=aab7aa]______________________________________________________________________________[/color] [indent]Nox is an incredibly emotional creature, a profound advocate for the wealth of heart and following instinct in comparison to critical thought and processes. His heart is adorned to his sleeve and flames bright and true to his expressive nature of incredible taste of humanity. Nox believes wholeheartedly to the flavours of humanity to Mundanes and Downworlders and shares the skewed perspective of his sister that everyone is generally one and the same; all holding similar origins and thus must pay homage and respect to their beginnings of life. He lives to the full capacity of his soul and life, never wasting an opportunity and flares bright and true like a eternally rising bonfire within the gloom. Oft this assumes his candor to be reckless and unbound, the sort that responds on pure empathy instead of calculating his responses properly, especially to the methods of battle basic life. Such would be considered true if not for his over protective nature in regards to his sister, Nox tends to struggle over the listlessness of Nyx with a frustrated method of affection, being a near opposite to her careless and un-wanting nature of lax and lazy qualms and actions. Whilst they adore one another, as siblings will oft do, there is a sort of mutual strain due to their conflicting natures despite holding similar views and gains to their united cause. Nox flourishes more so in social situations, laughing easily with comrades, encouraging their lives and actions to ensure that everyone rises to their full potential. Nox doesn't falter beyond regiment and rule, and holds the method and searing of the Clave and their Covenant true to heart and soul, and wields his emotion within battle like a near weapon on its own. While he lacks the same, apparent death wish of his sister, Nox does herald a sort of critical violence against demonic foes, nearly undone by his demented conclusion of shadowed justice.[/indent] [color=333333]. . .[/color][sub][sub][sub][h2]s k i l l s & a b i l i t i e s.[/h2][/sub][/sub][/sub][color=aab7aa]______________________________________________________________________________[/color] [indent]Like all of their hidden realm, Nox holds unique reflexes and strength and the all-seeing eye to peer yonder barriers and particular glamours set within place. His aptitude though lies within Mark application, as with the swift flick of his wrist and grasp, he pours all his emotions and thought into his Stele, producing Runes of a unique capability, more so for his sister who often requires his assistance to apply them to her own skin. He believes his expressive nature plays into their result, viewing each Mark with pride and a wealth of protection and purpose. With his natural aptitude, Nox employs the use of Seraph blades like most of his brethren, but heralds them in a dual-wielder fashion, usually short bladed tools rather than elongated swords of short daggers. His ambidextrous quality enhances this unique method, with the Rune of his opening sight and eye scrawled over his left - his dominant one - much like his sister and all of his family have. His Marks consist of ones utilized for strength and speed, his blows coming down hard and fast, always allowing his opponents to see him coming in swift and merciless, his performances of battle brutal in comparison to his eternal-emotional state.[/indent] [color=333333]. . .[/color][sub][sub][sub][h2]b i o g r a p h y.[/h2][/sub][/sub][/sub][color=aab7aa]______________________________________________________________________________[/color] [indent]Nox was always an emotional mortal, as a child he was loud, charming, living life to the brim of possibility despite all manners of ill-fate and awaiting pain by receiving his first Runes and training nearly every day. His development was swift and gladly assumed, the legacy of his Shadowhunter family and their desires never once causing him to suffer. Nox eagerly took his sister under his wing during their training, speaking for her, able to becoming in-tune with her simple stares and slight gestures, becoming her literal voice until she learned to speak for herself. However, it was not eternally meant to be. They passed with nearly the same marks, pride evident within their parents, but their waning hope for Nyx was dwindling and suffering, apparent in their own confusion in how to deal with their mute daughter, much to the dismay of a young Nox who was unable to understand their own plight. He understood her well enough, how could they not? Thus their attention turned onto him, hidden within shadow, so as not to abandoned her entirely, but Nox was young, unable to defy them, so he simply made sure to keep Nyx smiling and happy, to protect her when the Lunadale silently gave up on her. When hunts led them apart and training for them became slightly different, Nox could only hope that she would see herself safe and from harm. [i]He couldn't have been more wrong.[/i] When Nox came to know how of her near brush with death under the fangs of vampires, he slowly began to disband himself away from their family, attempting to bring Nyx about, to try and salvage what he could and bring his parents back into acknowledging their daughter. For they were twins, a rare conception in their family, shouldn't they both be lauded over and risen to power? His efforts flagged and failed, much to his incredible heart that swelled and bled often, his emotions broadcast loudly and proudly despite the darker seedlings beginning to take root within his heart and soul. When the rumour of a beast wreathed in black, tainted fur and vicious eyes had taken down a fellow Shadowhunter, Nox [i]knew[/i] Nyx would attempt to place herself within line to be selected to bring it down, and immediately suggested that they both be in charge to bring it down. He knew story of her sudden Death Wish, her increasing and alarming slavery to an adrenaline rush that often fixated her in a vice. He'll never forget the terror of those eyes, his swords wielded tightly and the pain of his scars, to this day they ache, a phantom pulse that acts whenever he comes close to a demonic source. Since that ill night, he has become more protective of her, increasing his hunts, taking hers upon his own shoulders, whilst still struggling to keep the Lunadale family together as he slowly rises to power and strength with his sister fading into shadow.[/indent][/hider] [hr] And there they are! Sorry it took so long, I'm still not happy with the coding result, but, I'll tweak and play with it later. Enjoy. ♥ Edit. My proof reading skills are shit when I become lost in code tweaking. I'll amend a few details in the morning.