Lataniva obviously knew it was Arex that was closest to her, because of his very distinct impact to her field of awareness. Regardless, she wasn’t about to show him an inch more respect than anyone else in the crew, and when he had been the closest to her when she had trouble with the comm-device, then so it was him that was commanded to help her out. Sandra also joined in here and there, teaching Lataniva how to use one of these. Okay. So press that button when intending on communicating, and wear it like this, and… The unnatural cause- and effect infuriated Lataniva, who didn’t get why pressing a button caused communications to happen. Regardless. Sooner or later she had good enough a grip of it that she could use it… to a degree. She might fumble trying to press the right button, but she had an idea. She didn’t give any particular thanks for the help of those that had assisted here, merely a nod of acknowledgement, before she got herself ready. Lataniva really had no objection to being scanned. However, she didn’t raise any particular objection to when Jack fired at Maxi’s robot. If they had problems with one another, that was their problem. She wasn’t about to take the role of a babysitter if the rest of the crew got themselves into arguments. More like, the less arguing that was being done, the better, but Lataniva was most certainly not going to get herself involved in any ongoing argumentation if she had no reason to. More like, the mere fact Jack had fired first made her less enthusiastic about being close to him while the attention was still on him. When it was time to get ready. Lataniva sat down, waiting for the time to be unleashed. She closed her eyes, perfectly calm, letting the noises around her sound out before coming to a rest until the next amount of sounds. There were jolts, flashes and other things happening, one of which could very possibly be a beam from the station obliterating them and her life if something had gone wrong. Wasn’t really a concern to her. If it happened, it happened. Now it didn’t. Lataniva had no means to affect their odds during space-travel so, may as well stay extremely calm. So, then after numerous shots and other things, the door finally opened. Lataniva was on her feet so quickly, it could have assumed she had used her own psionic telekinetic ability to propel herself, and such an assumption would be correct. She had already withdrawn her halberd from back and dashed right out the door, prepared for action. So… the comms said their first opponents were a bunch of security robots. [indent]‘Tsk. Robots. They are not even alive. No instincts to assist them. Their kind could never hit me. They do not interest me.’[/indent]Lataniva complained with a raised chin glaring down the room. What on the hand DID interest her… were those fleeing miners. [indent]‘So eager to run…’[/indent]She mumbled as she grabbed a knife and threw it in a single deft motion. Now, in addition to the force of her arm, she also applied her full telekinetic force to the knife, sending it flying unnaturally fast towards the slowest miner’s left leg, at the back of his knee. If Lataniva hit as she intended, her sharpened knife would pierce straight through his knee and he most certainly would not be running away from them no more. She needed at least one mind to read. She then took off running in his direction, using her power of awareness to avoid the bot’s fire if they were firing at her, predicting where they’d be aiming before they fired and avoided the fire. That was her intention. After that, it was simply a matter of catching the miner she had intended on disabling. [sub][@Crossfire][/sub]