[color=39b54a]Eliza studied Vyzel for a moment. He was bigger in every aspect compared to her, but then again, Sylvaris weren’t known for being bulky or muscular creatures. They could still pack a punch and be just as strong as a Charr, but their bodies almost never looked like it. She shook his hand gently, but firmly and gave him a small nod. [color=fff200]“Glad to be on Muria. A first for me, but I have already seen a lot of the continent on my way here.” [/color]She said softly. A tavern maid came over to her, as the good maid she was she had spotted a new customer and asked if Eliza would like anything. Eliza looked at her and just ordered a bowl of onion and tomato soup. The maid nodded and went away again, leaving the two of them alone to continue whatever conversation they had going, though the maid was intrigued to have a Sylvari in the tavern. Eliza then continued with their conversation[color=fff200] “Supplies won’t be a problem; I can make a meal out of mother earth. Travelling…”[/color] she considered this for a moment, she had her own way of travelling, but she supposed that it was best to keep it to the normal ways of travelling, and not scare the shit out of people here on Muria. [color=fff200]“…would be nice with a horse, so the offer is appreciated.”[/color] His last question though, was a bit strange. He came from the Order of Whispers and yet he came so unprepared, unless it was a way to make her give him information, in which case he had just failed at luring it out of Eliza. Nevertheless, Eliza had been planning to talk strategy with the man anyway, so it didn’t really matter that much. [color=fff200]“I assume you have heard the rumors at least and that we might not return from this journey, should the rumors be true. I’ll spare you the details for now, but from the information I’ve gathered on my way here, it seems we need to go into the swamps of Muria first, as that was where this creature was first seen.”[/color] The maid came over with a bowl of soup and put it down in front of Eliza. She smiled a little at Eliza before she went away again. Eliza then continued [color=fff200]“The strange thing is, that a creature of that size would normally not be able to be in a swamp, there’s too many tight spaces for it to roam around as it pleases, but the rumors started there, so that’s where we are going. You’re going to lead the way for the time being, as you know this continent better than I do.” [/color]She took a spoonful of her soup and let it warm her body. She was still dripping, but the heat from the fireplace in the tavern and the soup that she was now eating, was helping her body to dry. She shrugged a little though; she didn’t feel like it was too good of an idea to stay in the tavern for too long. While a Sylvari wasn’t more dangerous than any other race, a rare race was always treated with distrust, or almost always. [color=fff200]“I’ve shared the starting plan with you, there are more plans, depending on what information we gather from the swamps and whatever hides in there, but I don’t think I should stay here any longer. I’ll take the soup with me outside to the stables and I’ll stay out there until you are ready to move. I’d prefer to avoid an incident with the customers here.”[/color] She didn’t know how many eyes were on her, but she could at least feel a few, and that was more than she needed. She stood up again, making no sound as she did, grabbed all of her stuff plus the bowl of soup and gave him a small nod [color=fff200]“If you’d like to speak more, you know where to find me.” [/color]She said and then she left the table. A few of the guys in the tavern had already gotten up from their chairs, but seeing that she was about to leave the tavern, at least the indoor parts of the tavern, they sat down again. Eliza went out to the stables and walked for a few seconds through the rain again, it wasn’t long, but it was enough to make her all wet once again. She found an empty horse booth and went in there. There were some unused hay that she put on the ground to make it more soft and then she sat down with her legs crossed and the soup in front of her. While it was a risk, she decided to put on some spiders above the stable doors, that could function as an alarm bell, should anyone come into the stables, including her newest ally. Even though she was going to work together with him, she preferred to stay on the safe side of things, and that meant knowing what was coming for you, ally or foe. The spiders crawled up the walls, very tiny spiders, and went to the entrance, created their web and waited while Eliza began eating the rest of her soup. [/color]