[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Bleeding_Cowboys.ttf&size=50&style_color=f26522[/img][/center][hr][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/8a/4b/1c/8a4b1c6958a42419285012c99fca906a.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] [color=ed1c24]Good suggestion but too late, seems we are expected,"[/color] Quinn said in a flat tone as he eyes Anisa with her hand on Camilla and watched her draw her side arm and stick the barrel of the the gun into Camilla's side. [color=ed1c24]"Don't do anything stupid Captain Crowe,"[/color] he warned as a flash of worry went through his features before they were buried back down in him and his face went as cold and stoic as ever. [color=f26522]"Shut yer trap Quinn. I know your ship can blow us out of the waters but this little tart here means something to ya, don't think I wouldn't put a bullet in to her pretty back side just to spite you if you did anything to harm my crew,"[/color] Anisa hissed as she stood there and jabbed Camilla so hard in the side that she caused the woman to flinch in pain. [color=gray]"Now, let us all take a deep breath, this is most unbecoming for all of us,"[/color] Dr. Moreau said as he stepped out between the two groups. His hands out towards each of them with a broad smile on his lips. [color=gray]"We are all on the same side here,"[/color] he added, to which both Quinn and Anisa scoffed openly at. [color=ed1c24]Hardly."[/color] [color=f26522]"Like hell."[/color] [color=gray]"Of course we are. Are we not all against being raped to death by Reavers? Of course we are. Tis a horrid and unmentionable way to go."[/color] [color=f6989d]"Then why bring it up..."[/color] Camilla piped in and Jahosafat laughed, shrugging. [color=gray]"As charming as ever beautiful,"[/color] Jahosafat said with a coy smile. Over in the engine room of the Vengeance, Gideon stood up slowly, wobbly in the knees as he tried to put on a brave face. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Nothing more than what feels like a hangover," he teased but leaned against the wall as he tried to take a few steps. [color=ed1c24]"Come with us and you will be treated fairly until your trials are finished."[/color] [color=f26522]"Go to hell Quinn, I wouldn't bring my crew with you unless your head was on a pike."[/color] [color=gray]"Now let's be reasonable here. We have bigger problems than what just transpired and your ship doesn't look like it is in any condition to fly anytime soon.[/color]