Once frisk got done fighting to get her shoes on she walked out of her room and waved hello to Toriel in the kitchen while opening the door to the outside, "Mum I'm going to go see how everyone else is doing. I have my phone so if anything happens just call me." She then walks out and meets up with Alex who was apparently already on their way to see her. [@Overlord24] "Oh hey Alex. Nice seeing you here, what you up to?" She signs out once caught up to him and gives him a gentle smile. Chara hisses and stands next to Frisk her elbow on her shoulder, "Why must we stop and talk to this jerk face Frisk. Well, at least no one can hear or see more which is a positive right now because if I did have a physical body I would end up sending this one to the hospital every day." "What's so bad about him Chara?" "His friendliness is annoying and have you seen his stats? He is so weak. I rather deal with the bonehead and Bonebag minus Dr. Bones, he is still slightly scary... not has scarier has Asreil or me though." "That's because he is a soul human unlike you and me." "So what?!" "For starters, we went through the underground without dying once. Plus by the laws of humans, we aren't human either because of how high our DT level can get. You should know this Chara." "Oh yeah sure, of course, you think I would understand this. Might I remind that you ate buttercups and died, and you jumped hoping to die." Frisk huffs and growls softly to Chara before turning back to Alex hoping he didn't notice that whole ordeal with Chara.