Slowly but surely the soldiers were slain, Eclisse served as quite a distraction for the group, but she didn't come out of the fight without injury. One of the soldiers must of got her in the middle of the fight, because there was a slash across her abdomen, the blood had all but stained Eclisse's white coat. [color=bc8dbf]"Ugh... Starting to regret giving Roane my only Vulnerary... Heh, ah well... Its just a flesh wound..."[/color] Eclisse made her way back to the group, apparently there were some new faces. [color=bc8dbf]"Well... Not as hectic as it was at the camp... But I actually took a hit back there... Anyone got a sec... Bleeding over here..."[/color] Eclisse tried to make a joke out of it, try to dumb down the seriousness.