Kayal stopped in his tracks and raised his hands in a sort of surrender as she hissed at him. She seemed like she had not been properly bathed in months and showed signs of malnutrition, this only served as more evidence to support that the two men the Argonian had killed were in fact slavers and that the women was not just some cutthroat. Kayal locked eyes with the girl as she starred him down, they were quite beautiful, yet dangerous and wild at the same time beneath that though he could see the fear, she was scared. He couldn't blame her, he remembered when he had escaped from the villa back in the Summerset Isle, Zana had that same look in her eyes as did many of the other slaves, they were angry yet terrified at the same time. Kayal did not take another step forward hoping not to provoke her, instead he crouched down a little as to make himself seem less threatening and remained where he was. Kayal spared a moment to look over her body, she was covered in dirt and blood and her feet seemed cut up and bruised. [I]She must have been running from them for a while...poor girl.[/I] He thought as his eyes returned to hers. Her eyes had not moved from him in the brief moment he looked away from them, which showed she was distrustful of him, for which, he still did not blame her. That's when she spoke, he gave her a reassuring smile, "Your cold?" He repeated, "Here, this should help with that." He said as he began to remove his coat, making sure he only took the coat and none of the rest of his gear before he held the coat out to her making sure to keep it off the sand, "Put this on." He said still in the gentle tone, "Then we can see to your feet." He added a moment later once more giving her a reassuring smile.