[@Mistiel] Ivy bounced along the path between her cabin and the room where they had their meals. She didn't go str, her brother said she was in capable of it. She wondered of the path and the back onto it. She was easily distracted. She would see a bird and follow it. Then she would see a butterfly and she would follow it. It took her three times as long to get to the building then everyone else because she couldn't focus. Eventually she made it to the cafeteria. Just as she entered the a girl she hadn't seen before started hopping around saying ow. Ivy hurried over to her. Not because she could help but because she was curious. [color=ed1c24]"HELLO! WELCOME TO CAMP! MY NAME IS IVY! I CAM CONTROL FIRE! WHAT'S YOUR NAME! WHAT CAN YOU DO? I'M HERE WITH MY BROTHER! COMP IS FUN! THE COUNSELORS ARE STRANGE![/color]