[quote=@Holy Grail] [@Lmpkio] Hello there! Been looking into a couple of forums to possibly join as of late, this one being the second, though i don't want to jump the gun to quick before asking a few questions about this roleplay so i can think things over. I do find the concept of this roleplay to be very interesting as well! :) At any rate, time for the questions: 1. Is there a posting limit for this roleplay, such having to post once a week or such? If so, what is it and what speed do you think the roleplay will move at? 2. Do you primarily want custom or canon kaiju for the roleplay, or does that bit not matter? 3. Would you ever consider allowing those who might post slower at a rate of "once or twice as week" into the roleplay, or would that be too slow for things? [/quote] Please feel free to hop in! We need all the people that we can get! Of course, I shall answer your questions accordingly: 1). Yeah one or twice a week should be fine. The old RP seemed to have gone a little too quickly for some, only stagnating for the last time due to the unexplained absences of several players. Here, it'll be more relaxed and casual. Posting will basically be that all players should post once after my initial post, just so everyone is on the same page. Once everyone has posted, I'll post the next part. If someone doesn't post in a week or so, unless they provide a valid excuse on when they'll be coming back, I'll be forced to post without them and move on. 2. That bit doesn't truly matter. In fact, I recommend one plays at least one of each, but thats perfectly OK if you want to post just an OC or just a canon character. As long as it comes from a kaiju series or mech-anime/animated series (like Evangelion), and as long as the character a gijinka. 3. I basically answered that question in the first answer, which is a yes :)