The chainmail was unlike he had expected, it didn't seem to be made out of metal at all. Odd, but many things in this place were odd, so it seemed perfectly normal at the same time. As they reached the sidewalk, Andy gently lowered the man and it was then when he noticed how the blood on the street behaved. He stared at it for just a moment with a puzzled look when he noticed how the ticking boy flew up in the air. As much as he wanted to help with that, it was beyond his abilities to do so. "What were they right about?" he asked with a calm voice as he removed the backpack from his back and opened it. "And why exactly did you and your friends attack the limousine? Didn't you like the colour?" While he certainly wanted an answer, he opted for the casual conversation approach and didn't give the man his undivided attention. Instead, he looked for some bandage and something to close the wound with. While the wound wasn't big, it was deep enough to need some stitches. He didn't need to remove the arrow to see that and he wouldn't remove it before he had everything he needed to treat the wound. Right now it was the arrow that kept the man from bleeding profusely.