After a minute or so of slinging her backpack down on to the floor, and with one hand grabbing a band-aid out of it, Lin Yang roughly extricated the offending sliver of wood from the pad of her foot and slapped the medicated bandage over the spot. Sighing with relief, she was just about to put her foot back down when she was confronted by a blur that seemed to circle her and spout words. Lin smirked. [i]This person has got to lay off the Red Bull,[/i] she thought. When the speedy, bouncing girl seemed to take a pause for a quick breath, Lin seized her chance to try to get a word in edgewise. "Hey speedy, my name's Lin! You can control fire, huh? I'm new to this camp. Why don't you show me where breakfast is so we can both get our hot little hands on some grub, yeah?" She remembered reading somewhere that when dealing with hyperactive children, it was always best to keep your responses under thirty seconds. With this Ivy girl, it seemed like that rule needed to be cut in half. The older girl tried to put an arm around Ivy's shoulder, all friendly-like, hoping to help her focus. "As for my power, I don't think I can explain it without some food in my belly. I don't even fully understand it, haha!"