Amy wasted no time in disembarking as soon as they landed, her first order of business being to take a few shots at the group of robots that were quickly approaching them as she simultaneously made her way to cover. Amy landed a perfect shot against one of their opponents, a quick smile forming as she derived a little bit of pleasure from her skilled marksmanship abilities. But that smile soon faded when she focused on the miners running for their lives. [i]Dad...[/i] The young woman then started firing on the miners. She knew her father wouldn't be doing any of that slave work as he was there on very official business, but nonetheless, he would be killed just like the rest of them if she didn't get to him first. Amy slowly went along the wall of the cargo bay until she reached a small door, then quickly stepped inside the dark room before closing the door behind her. The lights flickered on at her presence, definitely motion-activated, and she found herself to be in long and narrow hallway. Amy went in the direction which would take her further into the station, hoping that no one from her squad would notice her sudden absence.