[center][h1][color=007236]Troe Revinah[/color][/h1] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/51d1/f/2013/136/2/6/sorcerer_by_boolucole122-d65j3r2.jpg[/img] [/hider][/center] Inteacting with Everybody I guess [@Suku] [@dabombjk][@Bright_Ops][@alexfangtalon][@PaulHaynek][@AluminumDude][@Chieri][@Levias][@Lugia][@Leos klien][@eisenhorn] [color=007236] "Trial by combat? A bit barbaric, but...If bringing her along is such a big issue it may be the best option. Though it would be unfair to just toss her into it out of the blue. She's likely a bit malnourished after hiding all this time after all."[/color] Troe said approaching the newcomer. Glaring a bit at Kieran for his carefree comments in this situation, he sighed. [color=007236]"If this were a military vessel all three of you would likely be tossed overboard. But thanfkully this isn't a dictatorship, or really a democracy for that matter. We're an alliance, not a nation. That being said..."[/color] Troe's expression softened a bit [color=007236]"I know you've been harassed quite a bit, but I have to ask your name and purpose here."[/color] Stowaway or not, it would be wrong to deny her the chance to plead her case. After all, they were simply adventurers chasing a bounty, not any type of official force. The only problem he really saw was that the bounty that many on the ship were after was essentially a race. If some other group of adventurers got there first and came back with the needed information...well there wasn't any type of consolation prize. Not that Troe cared, he had essentially forfeited the bounty before even boarding the ship.