[@The1Rolling1Boy] "Well I am sure that wont be too much of a problem, I am rather sure they have nothing against teleportation. They funny lot though Frisk, I would hate to cause any reason for them to complain. It is rather annoying when I have to stand there and listen to a group of humans moan and complain about how little they understand on our ways." He had been working for them now for at least a year, the boss was a stubborn human male by the name of Ron and Gaster was sure Ron hated having a monster around. Every time Ron looked at him, even though it has been three years he seemed to look annoyed or frustrated at Gaster. Then again, Ron had that look for everyone that worked in the university lab but it always seems more intense when Ron had to deal with Gaster and his magic. In the end Gaster half smiled and nodded. "I'll teleport in, if I get told off then, well I'm used to them telling me off for doing things my way." Gaster said matter of factly. "I enjoy your company much more then those I work with for sure. Even though it has been three years now, you still get those who holds a great dislike to monster kind. I think half of it is that humans still do not fully understand, fear in what they do not fully know so it isn't like I blame any of them for the way they treat me there."