Will watched the pirate. The banging on the door made his eyes glance slightly away before back to her. Confidence returned. She might try to kill him but she was had. There was no escape for her now. The barb about being a professional fighter didn't even phase him. He would survive but even if she shot him, she wouldn't be able to get away. He stayed where he was watching the trigger finger. Then, to his surprise, she showed a bit of sympathy. From a pirate? Had to have been faked. she lifted the barrel of her pistol up. However, before he could do anything a bottle was hit over her head. Will frowned confused for the second as he watched her fall, the half-drunk face of his master appearing behind her. The man grunted and tossed the bottle aside as the soldiers burst in. "Well done, Sir." The Commodore said nodding to the man. Will bit back his anger. The man hadn't done anything. If it hadn't been for Will, this pirate would have been gotten away long before now. He put the sword down as he watched the red coats pick up the pirate woman and start carting her away. Norrington looked at Will. He gave him a slight nod and then exited as well. "Will..." The half slurring of the head blacksmith caused him to look at the man. "Clean this mess up." The man gestured around himself. Will looked around. The place was a mess. The door was broken down. The scuffle of their fight had caused some issues. He shook his head. "But first, go down and get me some more ale. My supply is out." Will bite it tongue. Turning he left without a word. [center] ~ ~ ~ [/center] The pirate had been captured. Word spread like wildfire. Abigail's heart sank when she heard it. She should have known it would happen. There wasn't a lot of places in Port Royal that one could hide. Still, she had hoped. Talk of the woman's execution in the morning also sounded. Not being able to stomach it, Abigail excused herself from dinner, giving Elisabeth a smile, waving away any worries. "Just a long day." Back in the safety of her room, she changed into a bit more traveling dress and snuck out her window. She and Elizabeth had long perfected the art of climbing down. Reaching the bottom, Abigail turned and was startled to see her cousin hadn't been as easily fooled as she had thought. "I want to see her." Abigail protested quietly, not wanting the guards to hear them. "She kidnapped you. She held a knife to your throat." Elizabeth spoke quietly but firmly. "She saved me." Abigail looked at her cousin. "To hold you as hostage. It was her way out." "Please, let me see her." "You're going to let her escape." Elizabeth's face gave away what she thought of that idea. It had crossed Abigail's mind. She didn't deny it knowing her cousin knew her too well. She couldn't get a lie past Elizabeth for anything. "They're going to hang her tomorrow. This is my only time to talk with her." Elizabeth's countenance melted slightly. Her cousin was so young. So naive. Her heart was in the right place. "Alright, but I won't let you help her escape. Let's go. Just," she pointed a finger at her cousin. "So you can talk to her."