Meesei remained friendly, and gave an understanding nod. "Well, I shall not force it on you. But, I would suggest you at least allow me to put you into contact with our closest outpost. You can speak to them whenever you wish, and will always have the option of their help open to you should you need it. They can provide services that could be useful for a family of lycans such as yours. It is all entirely your choice, but I do have one last question." Meesei's tone did not shift from being friendly, though the content of her question was rather direct. "What is the reason you have to fear me?" --- "I think I might be getting [i]some[/i] benefit out of it all myself, but...yeah, I get your point." Ahnasha responded. "There are people like me out there that mate with Elves that just kind of let whatever happens happen. But I didn't really want to do that to you. I've never really feared death, honestly. Not conceptually, at least. I'll end up in the Hunting Grounds, which is exactly where I want to be for eternity. But if I left for the afterlife many hundreds of years before you, then I doubt we'd be together for eternity. There's no way I could expect you to remain faithful to someone who died half a millennia ago. That would just be selfish. No, I want us to be able to stalk the Hunting Grounds together. Now, we just have to hope we both survive to at least roughly the same age." Ahnasha put her arm around Fendros and leaned her head on his shoulder. Her mind was filling with more pleasant thoughts to at least distract her from her anxiety. "You think your family will ever accept the story that I did this without necromancy?"