She grinned as he mentioned getting her hooked up with ebooks, that was exactly her plan too. It would come in handy for long car rides and even longer flights. "That's not a half bad plan" she agreed. She moved behind him as he sat down and lightly rested her hands on his shoulders while he talked. "Sounds like you had a busy day." She told him kissing the top of his head before moving away. She listened to him talk. It seemed that he had something on his mind, something he didn't want to come right out and say. She nodded a little as he talked about different places to go on dates. He was so sweet, and trying very hard. He was obviously wanting to find things they would both enjoy. "Those both sound like great ideas hon." She said as she sat next to him reaching for the remote to turn on Netflix so they could chose a movie. She was about to start flipping through the selections when he got around to talking about what was really bothering him. She nodded knowingly. She could see how that could be concerning to him. "I can understand how that could be concerning for you." She said quietly. "Would it make you feel better to know I am on the pill and have been for years?" She asked turning a little so she could look at him. "If that is not your only concern, I would be glad to dig up the paperwork on my last STD screen. I tested negative for everything, and have not slept with anyone other than you since that was done." She said matter of factly. "I'm sorry Duncan." She said. "I should have told you all of this BEFORE we were intimate." She took his hand in hers and smiled a little. "I should have realized that you would have had concerns." She said. "If there is anything else that is bothing you, please don't be worried about talking to me about it."