“STD? What … oh. That STD.” He was shaking his head. “I wasn’t so worried about that. Although, I suppose in a city like this I probably should. No, you mentioned you were Catholic and I thought that was against the rules. But then … “ He sighed. “Never mind. I worry too much. I am a regular boy scout. I try to plan for everything. You sort of threw me curveballs last night. Great curves.” He waggled his eyebrows letting Aliyah know he was recovering his poise. “I guess you should know as that was a first - of everything - I’ve never had an STD test. But really my concern was pregnancy. I actually did have protection on me. Gary was looking out for me.” Duncan smiled. “He’s sort of like a big bother - and a lot better than my stepbrother ever was. You know he offered to give me motorcycle lessons. I am thinking of taking him up on that - not that I want to ride all over the country on a motorcycle. But it would be fun to learn. “Anyways, one thing you can count on. I have no plans to sleep with any other lady while I am with you. Best way to prevent getting two girls pregnant at the same time. But you should know, I have no fear of being a father. Scary responsibility. But let’s face it; I can afford it.” He clamped his mouth shut for a moment, then added. “And enough of me being neurotic. Stop worrying so much Duncan. Live a little Duncan.” Then he looked at the remote and grinned. “Movie night. You know, I have never used Netflix. I am all yours for the night. Your wish is my command. So … what kind of movies does Aliyah like?” He snuggled in alongside Aliyah, this time considerably less shy about proximity.