[@Blueflame] Chara softly growls through the whole ordeal until that buggy annoying Human goes away. [color=ed1c24][b]"Oh shut up sans! You should probably go back inside and make sure Frisk is okay! You probably hurt them for crying out loud! I am still connected to their bloody soul you Bonebag!!"[/b][/color] They scold sans and points to the wall senses frisk pinned there, [color=ed1c24][b]YOU PROBABLY FLUNG THEM ACROSS THE BLOODY HOUSE CAUSING THERE HP TO DROP TOO! THINK THIS STUFF THROUGH!![/b][/color] [@Rafiel_purewing] Frisk softly chuckles before she was randomly dragged across the house to a wall and pinned there unable to move. [i][b]"GOD DAMNIT CHARA! WHY COULDN'T YOU LEAVE SANS ALONE! YOU KNOW HE DOESN'T LIKE YOU!"[/b][/i] She yells inside her head trying to move around hoping that Sans doesn't have her too tied down that she doesn't end up exploding and forcing their way into her body just to battle Sans over something stupid, "Gaster do me a favour real quick. Go around the house and Tell Sans to bring Chara back inside" [b][i]BECAUSE THEY ARE STILL CONNECTED TO MY SOUL AND I CAN'T GIVE THEM THEIR OWN PHYSICAL BODY!!" [/i][/b]