[quote=@SpookySquid] So you know how I accidentally posted my CS for the Rainbow Gang twice? I'm replacing the first one with these two beauties. [hider=The Pilot] [img]http://i.imgur.com/JujoBU4.png[/img] Description: Andrew, or more often, Drew, is a veteran pilot that works for the Hero Association. He has a good sense of humor, is quite intelligent and mild mannered, but his relatively relaxed attitude occasionally make people underestimate him and not take him seriously. It is nearly impossible to get the man even remotely stressed, and he typically maintains a level head even when piloting through insane dust storm monsters or past wizards hurling balls of lava at him. [/hider] [hider=The Co-Pilot] [img]http://i.imgur.com/zC1p3vc.png[/img] Description: Roger has been a pilot for a couple months now, but as far as he's concerned, it has been [i]ages[/i]. Heck, he could probably fly that helicopter with his eyes closed as far as he's concerned. Besides his large ego, Roger suffers from a lack of common sense, often making foolish mistakes that he tries desperately to justify with an endless amount of ridiculous excuses. Despite this, Roger takes his job very seriously, even though he often does it somewhat wrong. Thankfully, he makes up for his flaws with his kindness and friendship, a trait that Drew never forgets. Also, Roger cracks him up, so he likes to keep the guy around. [/hider] [/quote] I love them. They're the [i]real[/i] heroes.