[color=yellow][h2][center]♪♫♪ Cecilia "Cici" Taylor ♪♫♪[/center][/h2][/color] [color=yellow][h3][center]Location: Tefan Village[/center][/h3][/color] [@Zarkun] [hider=Earlier that day] Tommy had joined Cici in getting a quick bite to eat, and turned with a smirk at the challenge. "Training or not, I'm all for a battle. Should give me a chance to get a solid handle on some of my team's abilities." Cici smiled as Tommy accepted the challenge. [color=yellow]"I was thinking just a quick battle. We have things to investigate, after all. Two Pokemon each?"[/color] It seemed like the best way to go about this - the point was just to get a feel for battles. Forte looked up at Tommy with an eager squeak, ready for his first fight against another trained Pokemon. Tommy nodded, taking a bit of his breakfast sandwich. Once he had finished chewing, he spoke. "Since we'd just be using two each, how about a double battle? I get the feeling we're going to need our Pokemon in sync with each other in order to beat whatever's causing Entei so much aggravation." [color=yellow]"Good idea,"[/color] Cici replied, before eating a little of her own sandwich. Dulcet made her agreement clear as she fluttered down to stand by Forte's side. Looking down, Cici wondered for a second if she'd have an unfair advantage by letting Dulcet fight - Tommy was probably going to send out Epsilon. A glance at her Pokedex, though, revealed the Swablu hadn't yet learned any strong Flying-type moves. [color=yellow]"You two ready to work together again?"[/color] she asked the two Pokemon. [color=yellow]"You know, you're pretty good at that."[/color] Tommy had already let Amica out, and knew that she could use Ice Beam. But he still needed someone else to work with her. Epsilon would be the most obvious choice, being his second strongest from his team, but all it took was one missed attack to accidently do critical damage to Amica. "Hmmm...." After a moment, he picked a Pokeball from his belt and tossed it, releasing the recently caught blue-headed Ralts. "Alright, Jerus, Amica, you two ready to work together?" The Pokemon looked at each other and nodded, before turning to their trainer, looks of determination on their faces. "Alright then, I have my two." [color=yellow]"Ok, let's begin this!"[/color] the musician said once Tommy had chosen his two Pokemon. [color=yellow]"Forte, use Stomp on Amica! Dulcet, hit Jerus with Astonish!"[/color] Cici wasn't going to get her Pokemon to use their full strength against a recently-caught, low-level one, but the Ghost attack would still be an effective move against a Psychic type. Forte leapt into the air, aiming a kick at the Froakie, while Dulcet let out a shrill cry at the blue-headed Ralts. Tommy didn't waste any time having his own Pokemon counter. "Amica, dodge it then blast Dulcet with Ice Beam! Jerus, take the hit then hit Forte with Confusion!" Amica leapt back from under Forte, letting the attack hit the ground before blasting at Dulcet with a tri-beam of icy power. Jerus, on the other hand, grimaced through the attack before using Confusion on the now grounded Forte, blasting it with Psychic power. [color=yellow]"Hold on, Dulcet!"[/color] Cici called as the icy blast slammed into the Swablu. She staggered, looking ready to faint, but righted herself. Forte, on the other hand, quickly shook off Jerus' attack. [color=yellow]"Now, Forte, use Hyper Voice against both! Then, Dulcet, hit back against Amica with Fury Attack!"[/color] Cici stepped back, covering her ears as Forte unleashed a shout that sent an energy wave at the two opposing Pokemon. Dulcet zoomed forward, her beak glowing white as she aimed a series of pecks at Amica. The attack appeared to have used the last of Dulcet's strength. Drifting to the ground, she collapsed. [color=yellow]"Ah!"[/color] Cici immediately held out a Pokeball, recalling her. [color=yellow]"Dulcet, you did well. Come on back."[/color] Tommy didn't get to all out for any defensive moves before Jerus moved, using the last of his strength to put himself between Amica and the Hyper Voice, falling to the ground unconscious. Amica endured the hit from the Fury Attack before bouncing back. She was beginning to look worn, but still strong enough to fight. Recalling Jerus, Tommy smiled. "Good fight. Take a break, Amica and I will finish it." Storing the ball, Tommy looks up, a glint of determination in his eye. "Alright Amica, let's wrap it up! Use Water Pulse!" Amica nodded before blasting the Whismur with the triple pulse of water before landing on the ground, looking like she was about to fall over. The blast of water bowled Forte right over. He tried to struggle back onto his feet, only to let out a strained murmur and fall unconscious. [color=yellow]"Come back and rest now,"[/color] Cici said, returning Forte. Looking over at Tommy, she smiled. [color=yellow]"Those were some good moves."[/color] The defeat hadn't really bothered her. Both trainers had used the session to grow a little stronger, after all. She just hoped her Pokemon wouldn't be too upset about the loss. [color=yellow]"Well, let's head back to the Pokemon centre."[/color][/hider] [hider=Cici's battle theme][youtube]https://youtu.be/ce0p59-xPIs[/youtube][/hider] After the two had gotten their Pokemon healed, Cici stopped by the mart to pick up a few items she'd need for the quest. [color=yellow]"If only I had as much money as I had Trainer Points,"[/color] she laughed, stuffing the purchases - six Rare Candies, a Pokeball and a Potion - into her bag. [color=yellow]"I guess we'd better ask people around about the Entei situation."[/color] Hours passed, though, and the travelling companions were no closer to finding out what was going on. [color=yellow]"Wow, where did the day go?"[/color] Cici said, glancing up at the deep grey-blue sky. The smoke from the volcano obscured the stars and moon, so the only light came from the village. [color=yellow]"I need to keep better track of time - I wonder if any Pokemon could help me do that?"[/color] Right on cue, there was a hooting sound behind her. Turning round, Cici chuckled. [color=yellow]"Of course,"[/color] she said, watching the little round bird tilt its head from side to side in perfect rhythm. She'd heard of some people in Central City learning music by playing in time to a Hoothoot's movements. The brown bird hopped over to her, its big red eyes on Dulcet as it let out another hoot. Returning the gaze, Dulcet fluttered down from Cici's shoulder. The Hoothoot hopped up and down on its one visible foot, challenging Dulcet. [color=yellow]"Another battle already?"[/color] Cici glanced from one Pokemon to the other. [color=yellow]"Ok, Dulcet, Fury Attack."[/color] The Swablu sped at her opponent with a volley of pecks. It seemed to be working, until a wall of light appeared in front of the Hoothoot, knocking Dulcet back. [color=yellow]"Try using Sing!"[/color] Cici commanded. Flying back over, Dulcet whispered a soothing song to the Hoothoot - which did absolutely nothing. Hovering in place, the owl remained as alert as ever. Before Dulcet could do anything else, the Hoothoot's eyes glowed gold, and it blasted her with a rainbow-coloured beam. Cici gasped and stared. Was that some kind of Psychic-type attack? Dulcet rolled across the ground, then jumped back up, looking at her dirtied wings and giving an angry chirp. [color=yellow]"Ok, no more physical attacks. Use Dragon Pulse!"[/color] Cici said. Taking to the sky, Dulcet unleashed a turquoise energy wave that knocked the owl from the air. Lying on the ground, it gave a resigned hoot. Grabbing the empty Pokeball at her belt, Cici threw it and watched the Hoothoot vanish inside. Her hands clenched slightly, then unclenched as the bruises twinged. Would this Pokemon come along with her? The capsule became still, indicating it would. [color=yellow]"So that's a full team now,"[/color] Cici laughed, picking up the Pokeball and reattaching it to her belt. That was when she realised something. [color=yellow]"Hey, wait..."[/color] She'd travelled outside of Central City, she'd battled, and she'd caught six Pokemon. She checked her Pokedex. [color=yellow]"I... ranked up? I actually ranked up?"[/color] [hider=Cici] [b]TP:[/b] +10 (collab) +5 (battle challenge) +1 +1 -40 (items) (64) [b]Pokemon:[/b] [list][*]Whismur (Forte), male, lv8 (+1) [*]Swablu (Dulcet), female, lv7 (+1) [*]Igglybuff (Ligeia), female, lv5 [*]Kricketot (Cadence), female, lv5 [*]Chingling (Allegro), male, lv2 [*]Hoothoot (currently unnamed), male, lv1[/list] [b]Inventory:[/b] [list][*]Pokeball x1 [*]Rare Candy x6 [*]Potion x1[/list] [b]Rank:[/b] Skilled [b]Organisation:[/b] Helping Hand Guild[/hider] [hr] [color=darkorange][h2][center]✰ Jason Ackerman ✰[/center][/h2][/color] [color=darkorange][h3][center]Location: Stillwater[/center][/h3][/color] [@ToadRopes] [hider=Out and about in Stillwater][youtube]https://youtu.be/65sguNOAuLo[/youtube][/hider] [color=darkorange]"Oh yeah. I heard about that,"[/color] Jason replied, walking along the seafront beside Charlotte. [color=darkorange]"It's a possibility... Well, this will hopefully be a chance to investigate Lunala."[/color] There was something a little off about this place. Jason looked from side to side, taking in the quiet, shadowed surroundings. A Liepard prowled around the harbour, scavenging for fish, turning tail and running as soon as it spotted the two humans. In the murky water, a Golduck surfaced, the gem on its forehead flaring brilliant red before the water Pokemon submerged. [color=darkorange]"Golduck. Now there's an interesting Pokemon,"[/color] Jason commented. [color=darkorange]"A pure Water type, but with psychic abilities."[/color] A slight frown creased his face. [color=darkorange]"Hmm, some of the Pokemon here seem a little skittish..."[/color] Now he thought about it, he realised the only activity was that of Pokemon. He and Charlotte seemed to be the only two people around. Yes, it was late, but it wasn't [i]that[/i] late... surely some people would still be up... Tibert gave a low, growling purr. Looking down, Jason saw the cat's fur standing on end. [color=darkorange]"Oh, geez, something's not right here,"[/color] he said. [color=darkorange]"Really not right."[/color] [hider=Jason] [b]TP:[/b] +1 +5 (new location with legendaries) (24) [b]Pokemon:[/b] [list][*]Vulpix (Iliana), female, lv11 [*]Snorunt (Eira), female, lv10 [*]Doublade (Agne), male, lv10 [*]Golett (Amyntas), lv11 [*]Espurr (Tibert), male, lv10 [*]Fraxure (Fraener), male, lv11[/list] [b]Inventory:[/b] [list][*]Pokeball x1[/list] [b]Rank:[/b] Skilled [b]Organisation:[/b] Legendwatch (founder and leader)[/hider] [hr] [hider=CP]+1 +5 (collab) (40)[/hider]