Hawk and Dove cleared the first three floors. They were beginning to tire. [color=ed1c24]"If you are getting tired, you can leave. I'll do the rest by myself."[/color] Dove laughed. [color=2e3192]"I know you better than that. I may tire out easier than you but sure as hell can't finished off the final thirty-seven floors by yourself."[/color] Dove was thinking they shouldn't have tried this by themselves. But who else could in Charm. The police would have shot and probably killed them all as soon as one of them was attacked. Same for the National Guard. They could depend on no one but themselves. They needed a way to incapacitate the building all at once. [color=2e3192]"We need to contact Star Labs or maybe your Oliver Security's R&D department for some knockout gas or something."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Of course you want to knock them out, peace loving hippie."[/color] [color=2e3192]"Shut your mouth war mongering tyrant."[/color] [hider] [color=2e3192]Dove speak is this color[/color] [color=ed1c24]Hawk speak is this color[/color] [/hider]