Fortune knew a few things about wearing heavy armor, but two important facts were coming to his mind in relation to the struggle that he was currently engaged with; Metal armor was quite heavy [i]and[/i] it tended to be rather difficult to move around in. Not just due to the weight of it, but also because the design of metal armor meant that doing things that required a bit more fineness where hindered by the same unyielding nature that would protect the wearer from most blows. He couldn't afford to glance over at the ally that had been thrown off the downed knight with a strange show of force to see if he was alright; Fortune needed to take advantage of his superior position in their grapple before the man attempted to bring whatever foul witchcraft was altering the weight of things around him to bare. Making the attempt to twist the knight's arm into an awkward position to help limit his strength, Fortune made one hell of an effort to drive an armored knee into the man's throat while it was at the perfect height for such a blow. Since the man could freely move his head from side to side, it was clear that he didn't have a proper plate to cover the gap between helm and breastplate; Even if he did, a solid blunt blow there might not be lethal but it would still be enough to cause breathing issues and hopefully knock the bastard flat on his back again so that he could follow up by placing a foot on his throat to hold him down on the ground.