Walking along the path in the camp, hands in his pockets and Neric walking on the ground in his cat form. James would look around at what's going on, seems quiet at the moment. Looking to the Void as he sighs softly* [color=yellow]"So, think we should head to the cafeteria first or the campfire?"[/color] *Thinking, but soon it seems the morning would light up with activity. Noticing off to the side a guy with someone, is that a soldier? James looking over for a moment to see that same soldier walk off with the bag, the same guy suddenly having another soldier looking person appear suddenly. The two walking off as James looks at Neric* [color=yellow]"I think we may have some new campers with us."[/color] *The little Void would look to the watching the pair heading for the cafeteria as he looks up at James, unmoving as he speaks* [color=black]"Seems so, well a chance to meet someone new right?[/color] *The little Void would say as he and James continued on their path to the cafeteria, the little Void a little faster then James on this so he would make it to the Cafeteria before James would. James behind him trying to hurry in his step to get there. Though the moment Neric reaches the doors, he would break apart and turn into his cloud form. Passing under the door and reforming as the cat on the other side, walking around as James opens the door shortly afterwards. Shaking his head and smiling* [color=yellow]"Neric slow down, geez didn't know you were excited for the day."[/color] *James looking to let anyone else behind them in, though most that were awake would have maybe already beat them with the distance ahead. Closing the door behind him as he heads for a table to sit down, sighing softly and looking at Neric who just jumped ontop of the table. James smiling and rubbing his head as he looks over, seeing Ivy bouncing around a new girl as he chuckles* [color=yellow]"Seems Ivy met someone new, should we introduce ourselves?"[/color] *The Void looking over, tilting his head as he looks to James* [color=black]"Let's do that after everyone eats, I know some people get cranky and mad when they are hungry."[/color]