[quote=@Sapphire] Hello! My name is Sapphire, as I'm sure you could have read but it's been a while since I've perused the pages of RPG and I'm clearly overcompensating (it is likely I will continue to do so). I am a big fan of both RvB and Halo as it has brought me and the men (calling some of them men is a bit of a stretch though) in my life much closer. As I semi-mentioned, it has been a while since I've role played, and I understand any concerns that may bring in terms of my commitment but rest assured I am looking for a long term, monogamous partnership with an RP I can get behind. Call me cheesy but I think I've found the one. Furthermore, it if helps, my absence was largely due to the fact I was participating in some rather time consuming extracurriculars, including mock trial (a waste of time), model UN (I went to a conference at Harvard which was amazingly worth the work), trying to teach music lessons (I've since given up), a nerf war battle (that was surprisingly organized and took much longer to complete then one would assume), and joining a Hawaii conservation trip. Which brings me to my next point; that trip is still looming, in a gentle and pleasant manner I might add, but it will mean that my ability to post at all will be severely limited for the last week and a half of march, I will be camping, saving the environment apparently, and simply existing in a very different time zone. Do let me know if this will really be a problem, if not I will begin work on my character tomorrow. I hope to have it finished soon as to ensure the elements (AIs and armor abilities) I would like are not taken. If you have any questions or would like to reprimand me for beginning with such a needlessly wordy introdution, I am open to either. Since I know nothing of your time zone, I hope you existence is pleasant and continues to be, thank you. [/quote] Well this is one formal way to express your interest. I'd presume it wouldn't be a problem, I'd also imagine the GM would be fine th it (Check first). What time zone are you going off to?