[b]Revenant Shuttle bay: Prior to deployment[/b] Benny instinctively ducked down when the shot from Arex's pistol rang off. Taking a moment to compose himself, he saw the cyborg threatening their new member who claimed to have been a medic trying to get a proper scan on them. [color=red]"No offence Benny, but I'm not shuttling there with you and all your grenades. That one is yours."[/color] Arex, then commented as he pointed to Shuttle 2. [color=darkgoldenrod]"Tha's rich, comin' from the guy who shot speakers as if their mornin' coffee got pissed on. Grenades dinnae pop until I pull tha' pins. Your shots coulda' ricocheted around the room and hit anyone if they dinnae get embedded in tha' walls."[/color] Benny retorted. Before things could escalate too far however, Stryker, their "leader" came down to try and defuse the situation with a pep-talk. [color=orange]"WHAT IN ALL THAT SHINES IN THE FUCKING 'VERSE ARE YOU ALL DOING DOWN HERE?"[/color] Stryker exclaimed as he arrived, before later lowering his voice to something more akin to a sports coach, telling them that they can either form bonds or beat the shit out of each other between missions; whichever made them feel better until they got their chance to get revenge on the Alliance. [color=darkgoldenrod][i]Heh... He sure knows how to appeal to common hatred. Maybe we're not screwed with him in charge after all[/i][/color] Benny thought as he crossed his arms and leaned against a wall for the duration of Stryker's speech. He was then ordered to go into Shuttle 1 as Shuttle 2 was going to have its air purged. [color=darkgoldenrod]"Looks like yer orders ain't bein' followed today."[/color] He said with a chuckle as he turned to Arex. [color=darkgoldenrod]"Don' worry, I ain't gon' blow up our vehicle in space unless I have a way out."[/color] Benny said, turning to Arex as he chuckled a bit. Afterwards he loaded onto Shuttle 1 and did one last check on his gear as they prepared to deploy. [hr] [b]Shuttle 1: Approach to Helsin Mining Station[/b] Their ship flew silently across space as their colleagues attempted to make contact with the station to try and trick them into letting them board peacefully. Halfway through the conversation it was clear that the station wasn't buying into any of it. [color=darkgoldenrod]"Ahhh, good ol' Helsin Mining Corp... You won't find more paranoid workers anywhere!"[/color] Benny said to no one in particular when they were told that they were going in loud. Through the viewports of the shuttle, they caught glimpses of the Revenant firing upon the mining station and its planetcracker to disable it and clear the way for their landing. Benny caught sight of the Revenant's guns blasting apart the mining station's shuttle entrance, clearing out almost everything in the immediate vicinity. [color=darkgoldenrod]"Wow! I wonder if some poor sods were unlucky enough ta' be caught in that blaze. I wonder if the rest o' them will still feel so lucky once they meet us."[/color] Benny exclaimed as he turned towards his team. As the shuttle got closer to the entrance he pulled out his BR7, loaded a magazine inside and prepared to come out guns blazing. [hr] [b]Helsin Mining Station: Strike Team Landing zone[/b] Once the doors of the shuttle opened, the team wasted no time in getting to work. Miners ran for their lives as the men and women of the Revenant's crew began killing everything that moved. Maverick Grayson, their sniper and arms master, took several shots at the groups of fleeing miners to alert them of their direction. Benny fired a few bursts of rounds from his rifle into the groups of fleeing miners before priming one of his cluster grenades and tossing it into a group nearing one of the doors. The cluster grenade exploded in mid-air as tiny frag bombs scattered across the area, and shattered into shrapnel that made short work of several unarmored workers as cuts began appearing all over their bodies as they collapsed onto the floor. Some were bleeding out, while others died outright as critical organs were ruptured by all the metal bits blown into them. Suddenly, their comms came to life as Grayson spoke to them. [color=tan]"Ladies and gents, may I spare your attention for just a moment? Your first course for the evening comes courtesy of.. I wanna say.... Quasar Cybernetics, they have that look anyway. We have 12 Security bots armed with automatic laser weaponry, to amateurs, I would say rest in peace. To you crazy sons of bitches, I say 'Bon appetit'... also I call dibs on the first one"[/color] The sniper said as he began firing at one of the mechs, destroying it with impressive accuracy. Soon however, laserfire began flying towards them, Benny dashed behind a slightly charred shipping container and leaned against it as he pulled up Skelly's Skeleton Key holographic display. Lataniva seemed disinterested however. [color=yellowgreen]‘Tsk. Robots. They are not even alive. No instincts to assist them. Their kind could never hit me. They do not interest me.’[/color] She said outright as she charged forward with a halberd. Benny didn't think this was the most efficient way to deal with the problem, but he wasn't about to stop her. He turned back towards the holographic display. The display showed the different electrical systems that Skelly could connect to. Benny set the filters to show only combat drones, and the remaining combat drones still functional were shown on his display, though a couple quickly went offline thanks to the handiwork of the rest of the team. [color=darkgoldenrod][i]Okay, okay. Quasar cybernetics makes powerful combat models, but the software is fairly simple. Though they have potent antivirus systems that can quickly correct bugs and purge viruses. Still suscpetible to short-term malfunction however during the cleanup process... And the cleanup process can be made longer if they have to sift through extra junk...[/i][/color] Benny thought as he quickly began encoding a virus that would scramble their IFF's to reverse the friend and foe designations. He used a virus template that he had saved from before and quickly modified a few lines of code to work properly on Quasar models, and added several gigabytes of junk data to distract the antivirus software. With that, he selected a couple targets from the display. [color=darkgoldenrod][i]Will take too long if I send to too many at once, the antivirus software would clean and purge it before it takes effect. Sending it into two mechs would let them do some damage before their system gets cleaned. Should have at least 48 seconds of effectiveness[/i][/color] Benny thought. He looked over the displayed locations of the drones, and selected the two furthest back as he uploaded the virus into their systems. Benny activated his comm unit and spoke. [color=darkgoldenrod]"Boomer here. I sent a virus to tha' two drones in the back o' their lines. Try not to shoot them for the next 48 seconds so they can kill some o' their friends until the virus wears off"[/color] Benny announced as he took a quick peek over his box cover, fired a 5-round burst into the nearest combat drone to damage its head, potentially frying its optics as it sparked and twitched, and took cover before the robot could return fire. Then the hologram on Skelly notified him the upload was complete, and sure enough he noticed a slight decrease in the amount of laser fire coming their way as he heard drones getting hit lasers further away than the ones his allies were shooting. [color=darkgoldenrod]"I sure as Hell hope the fun's just starting! We haven't even caused any REAL damage yet!"[/color] Benny exclaimed loudly as he waited for another gap in laserfire to begin shooting his rifle again.