[center][h1][color=Red]Jack, or was it Arex?[/color][/h1][hr][color=gray]Location:[/color] [i]The Revenant.[/i][/center][center][color=gray]Interacting with:[/color][hr][h2]***[/h2][/center] Besides flashing a faint smirk at Benny's words Arex sat silently brooding for the duration of the trip, caught up in his own distant thoughts. He paid little focus to what was going on outside and was very slow to move after their landing. Eventually he casually waltzed out of the shuttle and onto the battlefield whistling a spritely tune. With only one pistol in hand he spun the gun around his finger as he nonchalantly strolled behind the others, showing far less enthusiasm or devotion to the task at hand. He watched as his crew eagerly took to slaughter. [b]"Forgot to use the little boys room before we left, I'll be back soon."[/b] he sarcasticly and blatantly lies as he heads off to a side door leading into a long hallway. ([@Xandrya] Shadowing Amy)