[color=BD892F][h3][center]Sophia Lemane[/center][/h3][/color][color=silver][right]USARILN East, Ground Zero September 7th, 2020 - 5:35 pm[/right][/color] [hider=Short recap of events]This morning had become too eventful too quickly for her liking. Instead of being held at gunpoint after returning from a very late breakfast, she would have preferred to remain in her room and basically do nothing and wander aimlessly. But it seemed that USARILN East didn't care much about what you wanted, did they? Or at least, not most of the time. It would have been lying to say that she wasn't even the slightest bit happy over how she had gotten all she had asked for in the requisition form. She now had a phone and a laptop all for herself, the first time that had ever happened. Plus, a folding knife along with a safety kit she hadn't asked for... but would apparently come in handy. And the cat! Finally, a pet of her own. A companion, that treated correctly, would become loyal and true to her. A smile had slipped onto her face when receiving young Billary, and most of Sophia's lunch break had been spent getting to know the cat and introducing her to her new surroundings. Tonkinese were supposed to be adaptable cats, so hopefully her companion would settle in well. After lunch break was over, she had been filled with a mixture of unpleasant feelings to find that the guard that came to escort her wasn't bringing her back to the classroom, but to some room she didn't know anything about. There she had found the now somewhat familiar face of Daisy, but that hadn't been of much comfort. Especially when that familiar face had explained to her and three other students that they were going to be healers in some compulsory "game" that would take place during combat training. She didn't like the sound of the game; being hunted down by people who were supposed to be your allies wasn't her idea of fun. Sophia had plenty of uninterrupted time after she was left in a different room along with the other healer and a few guards, so she took a seat and began to brood. But after what felt like a long time had passed, she wished she hadn't been left so much time to think about the game that she would soon be part of. All that thinking was just making her more and more nervous, and on top of that, she was sure she was missing important information that was being taught in class. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, she glanced at the fridge but decided against eating anything. She didn't feel hungry anyway. [/hider] Without anything to do in the room, anxiety was slowly and steadily mounting inside her, and Sophia's efforts to suppress that feeling weren't working very well. At last, the door opened as two guards walked in. Time to go. She let herself be escorted through the darkening streets with her gaze lowered, trying to tune out her surroundings and focusing on herself and dampening her feelings. The firing of a gun followed by a scream made her jerk her head up, in time to see a teenager before them crumple to the ground. It was the prod from the guard that told her to keep moving, or else she might have stayed frozen to that spot for much longer. Entering a three-story house a while later, this time her head was up and she was looking around as they made their way through the house and up to the top floor, where she was directed into the closet and told to stay hidden. Once the door of the closet closed, she was left in darkness. The sound of her heart thumping in her ears made it hard to hear anything, but it didn't stop her thoughts from continuing to run free. Thinking about the place she had been hidden in, a closet didn't seem like a very good place. In here, she felt trapped. Plus, a closet was such an obvious place to hide. Anyone who had played hide and seek would know that. And when her hiding place was discovered, where would she be able to run? All they had to do was open the closet door, and she would be cornered. She didn't like the sound of that, being cornered. There had to be a better place to hide somewhere. Right? Just because she had been told to stay hidden, that didn't mean she couldn't find a better hiding place, right? Hopefully there was still some time before the teams arrived. But then, what if she only had a few minutes? It could be that once she stepped out, the teams would arrive. However, thinking about it, she would probably get caught pretty easily anyway. She was pretty hopeless at this kind of stuff. She hesitated for a while before making up her mind. Slowly pushing the door of the closet open, she stepped out and closed the door behind her, taking a look around the room again. The bedroom where she had been hidden was pretty bare, the only other possible hiding place other than the bathroom and closet was under the bed. That wasn't any better, so she turned her steps towards the doorway. A distant crash froze her mid-step. What was going on downstairs? There were only two possibilities as to who had made that noise. First, the teams had arrived early and were already searching. Or... the boy had also abandoned his hiding spot and was doing some crazy stuff downstairs. Tentative steps brought her slowly out of the room, flinching as another crash sounded and leaving the door just as it had been before she had exited. Then, more cautious steps towards the staircase. She peered downstairs, but the way the staircase spiraled down to the bottom floor made it hard to see anything except the stairs themselves. Another crash. Then as she strained to see downstairs, a soft sound reached her ears. Footsteps. Now ready to bolt back to the closet if it turned out the person was coming to the top floor and not just the middle floor, she backed up a few steps but still kept an eye on the stairs. The figure came up until she could see his or her face. It was the other healer, and it didn't seem like he was running from anyone either. Some degree of relief washed over her, but she was still glad he had stopped on the middle floor. For some reason, she didn't feel like meeting him right now. Especially since he must have been the cause of those noises. She would just have to be careful not to encounter him, for she really needed to find a better hiding place. Soon. Before it became too late. Unfortunately, that boy was still on the middle floor, so she would have to look around on the bottom floor first. She didn't like the idea of hiding on the bottom floor since the teams would probably enter there first, but it was worth a try. Sophia began her descent, yet another crash convincing her that the boy was still occupied. Reaching the landing on the middle floor, she stared at the couches and chairs that were blocking the way out to the terrace. [color=bd892f][i]What...?[/i][/color] Eyeing the doorway across from the staircase that lead down to the bottom floor warily, she waited for a sign that the boy was still occupied. As yet another sound of something breaking sounded from beyond the doorway, she rushed to and down the stairs that led to the bottom floor. Reaching the bottom floor, she stood still as she took in her surroundings. Everything around her was not as it had been when she had first entered with the guards. Everything was... wrecked. She could hear water running, and water was pooling on the floor in puddles. Here and there across the floor lay wires. What had that boy been doing? He hadn't... lost control of his power and begun wrecking everything, had he? Careful to avoid stepping on the wires, she peered into the nearest bathroom where she could see water was leaking from. It could no longer function as a bathroom, shards of glass and ceramic lying all across the ground. No hiding in there. Moving away from the stairs and into the kitchen, there she saw the taps running as well, and more water on the floor. This was beginning to seem quite deliberate to her and less like what she had initially thought. Whose power would automatically clog drains and turn on taps? But why had that boy done it? It was so hard to move around-- that was it. He must have been trying to make it harder for the teams to get through and up the stairs. But now she was having difficulty making her way through, let alone find a hiding spot. His plan had [i]so[/i] backfired on her. Wanting to minimize the amount of water flowing onto the floor, she reached over and turned off the kitchen tap, just as there was a very, [i]very[/i], loud crash and thud accompanied by the sound of something splintering. Her heart seemed to jump in her chest as her breath quickened. She could have sworn she felt the ground shake under her feet. That boy had to be insane. What had he done now? Making her way back to the kitchen doorway, she stopped as there was another loud thud accompanied by splintering. Followed by another of those noises, then another, and finally the appearance of a chair half embedded into the ground floor stairs. She stared. The stairs were entirely destroyed, and there was no way of getting back up. She clenched and unclenched her fists as nervousness, anxiety, and fear flooded through her once more, the emotions stronger than before. Now she had no choice but to stay on the ground floor. He was insane. Utterly and totally insane, coupled with a power capable of throwing around couches. But she couldn't waste time. The teams would probably be arriving anytime soon, and she needed to be hidden. Stay hidden or risk solitary confinement, those had been the terms. As quickly as she could, she made her way through the rooms, searching for someplace that looked suitable. Unfortunately, nowhere looked suitable. She couldn't hide in kitchen cabinets, the fridge, the oven, under any tables or couches, or in the bathrooms. Soon she entered the bedroom. There wasn't much in there except a bed, another flooding bathroom, and... that was pretty much it. Plus some pillows and a blanket. How could it be that there was no where else to hide? It really looked like she was going to end up hiding under the bed. Under the bed on the floor that was wet. She was going to have to get wet too. Crouching down to peer under the bed, it looked like she would just fit under. Lowering herself down onto her stomach, she lifted the edge of the blanket and ducked her head under it before pulling herself in under the bed. Once under, she rotated herself so she lay under the diagonally, her head towards the doorway. The blanket that was spread over the bed hung to the floor and concealed her from sight, unless one were to peer under from the head of the bed. A few minutes after she had gotten settled, the cuff announced the start of the game. [hr] [hider=Notes]During the approximate two minutes after the start of the game, Sophia did not move anywhere or do anything that needs to be mentioned, so I'm not detailing that part in.[/hider]