*IC Drops* *Pretty much everyone:* [img]http://www.reactiongifs.com/r/ktpng.gif[/img] But yeah. [quote=@Solo] Don't use the talking dog and talking gorilla as a reason to deny accurate writing in a piece of fictional work, please. It gives people an excuse for lazy writing, that doesn't care for the readers or audience's own understanding. Both Winston and Lucky have been explained in a way that's in line with Overwatch's own themes. Sorry, it's just my pet peeve when people make the argument, "It's a fictional world, so what does it matter?" A writer, RPer or not, should always do their best to make sure their audience understands what's going on in a story and why, as long as it's pertinent to the plot and the setting, itself. Allowing yourself to sink into the mindset of, "There's a talking dog and magic, so accuracy, logic, and explanations don't matter." It both tells your readers that you don't care about the story or characters enough to delve deeper into how they work, and that their understanding doesn't matter to you. ;-( And that sucks. And I'm not saying you guys are doing that, don't misunderstand my words here, I just want to clarify why I absolutely [i]hate[/i] when people make that the basis of their argument. It rubs me the wrong way. [/quote] Absolutely. That being said, I do think that while it's important to hold yourself to a high standard, at the same time you don't wanna be overbearing when it comes to other people's posts [b]if they don't affect you[/b]. Especially when it opens up IC for the rest of us to start posting in, y'feel me? In fights physics, chemistry, biology, etc. will matter. But it's some NPC with a disease we're sure as hell not gonna get, so it can probably slide this time. [@Solo] Wasn't trying to be rude here to you in particular, you were just the last post at the time and a good one to respond to :T