[@KOgaming] There was an expression as The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell noticed innocuous details during the chase that evolved into a Turbo Duel. Those piles of semechki shells, the quick activation of the sirens and what sealed it for the Damned Detective, that cigar chomping during work. The evidence was clear cut; The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell knew who this person was! Fyodor had [i]finally[/i] found a fellow person of Russian descent in this sinkhole! Sure they might've chased him and engaged him in a Turbo Duel, but this time it was a natural greeting. The Ghoulish Rider glanced at the orange solid vision field before him, while his duel runner engaged autopilot mode and spat out his hands. He was going to make this turn quick for the card-playing, as he needed to gather information about this figure. [i]Hopefully[/i] they were in fact a fellow Russian, it would be disappointing otherwise. But this went through his mind quickly as he made his play of placing a card face down in his Field and Spell Zone, and then summoning Dragon Zombie. The [b]mightiest[/b] and [b]most majestic[/b] of all the dragons emerged, letting out a hacking wheeze. Some green mist came out of his snot as the purple dragon held at a spot of flesh that was starting to drift off. With that play made, Konstantinovich did [i]not[/i] signal that his turn was over yet. For he had something more important to do. He needed to chat with his opponent. [color=f7941d][i]"Я вас знаю? Я думаю что знаю тебя."[/i][/color] He used his index finger to scratch at the side of his helmet. [i][color=f7941d]"Вы работали в Дубравлаг? Ты напоминаешь мне охранником там. Нет, подождите! Может быть, вы работал Ростова-на-Дону?"[/color][/i] He shook his head before going on. [i][color=f7941d]"Мы будем должны обсудить это Больше! Но сначала вам нужно сказать мне что-то очень важное ..."[/color][/i] Clicking on the tunes, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOAtz8xWM0w]something fitting began to play[/url] as Fyodor Leo Konstantinovich began to make a declaration. [i][color=f7941d] "Скажите, вы действительно служить этим япо́шка дворняг? [b]Или же ваше сердце все еще билось с гимне нашей Родины в вечной зимы ?![/b] Независимо от исхода этого события Мы должны быть оба лучше из-за этого как Мать Россия хочет. Россия будет господствовать над всем мире. Это наша обязанность, как дети России чтобы сделать это видение реальностью. ДАВАЙТЕ ПОКАЗАТЬ славный России С НАШИМ боевым настроем для этих японских собак! После этого мы будем пить много водки!"[/color][/i] [i][color=f7941d]"Кстати, я заканчиваю ход." [/color][/i] he concluded as he pointed towards the officer.