Tibulus was busy piloting the ship with everything that's going on. The quick assault on the Planet Cracker was with no time to waste, as he sped past it and lowered the door to the cargo bay, having the doorway open for everyone to assault the cracker. He spoke over the intercom as this happened, his voice booming around the ship with the rumble of... well... a surprising sense of calm perspiring around his tone. The skeletal pilot of the cargo ship began steering the ship to portside as the gunnery crew could unleash their torrents of laser-powered spice at the drill, and he brought the ship around again for the crew on the opposite side in order to allow the most damage onto the rig. Tibulus remained vigilant as he piloted the Revenant, not responding to anyone as he flew it through the cold vacuum of space. The small robotics kit was in a good construction, as a small fan was busy blowing onto Tibulus' forehead while he did all this. [AT LITERALLY EVERYONE HERE]