The pirate scowled and brushed himself off. "Yeah," he laughed but there was just a hint of fear. Not for the crew but for him personally. His Cap'n was one of the best there was. The pirate would bet him against even the great Charles Vane. But that didn't mean personally, he was free. A pirate made many stops and if someone was out to get ya, they could do it away from your crew. He brushed it aside. "You a'int goin' anywhere but the gallows." He replied. He pretended to tip a hat. "Pleasant dreams. Give me regards to Davy Jones." He laughed and turned away. "Let's take 'er back to the Cap'n. He'll be wantin' a bit of sport." Abigail pulled tightly and glared at him. "Any harm comes to me and my father will see you all hanging from the highest yardline." There was bravely in her words but also a lot of naivety. Both men laughed. "And who be your papa, lassy?" The one holding her asked. Abigail met his luring grin with cold politeness. "Lord Ashe. Commander of the 7th Fleet, lord protectorate and your doom." Both men laughed. "We got ourselves a lady here. Should be interesting. You'll enjoy our Cap'n" They pulled her toward the stairs but not before the second man, the one who had held Abigail and had taken the gold coin, looked back at Vivienne. "Iffin you get out of 'ere you might want to side with Cap'n Low. Vane is on his way out. Low is the way to go."