[@Belle] Juni was laying down on the bed relaxing listening to the sound of her horse outside. At least that small piece of home was with her. She felt her throat tight again with that home..her home was gone and so was her father. Anger began to rise she sat up glaring at the wall. Juni never liked to hate anyone and to be honest she want's to be friends with as many people as possible. Yet the feeling of hate that was rising in her heart made her feel sick. Wiping her eyes she takes a deep breath and lets herself relax. "Think of somethin' good Juni." She mutters. Horses, animals, books...Rhage. The thought of Rhage made her smile just a bit. Despite being a huge big bad ass looking dude. He is very childish and had made losing her Father a lot easier. She looks towards the door half tempted to go and see what he was up too. Juni shook her head."Nah, probably to busy..I wonder if Opal is open for a visit." She says standing up and making her way out of the room.