[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rxa8BBL.png[/img][/center] [@Plank Sinatra] [@Kaithas] [@NarayanK] Oh the Schadenfreude was truly delicious. The look on Lauren’s face was one Ben had become quite familiar with since she joined BASL. Seeing Lauren express it herself… Well, Schadenfreude about covered it. Getting yanked into a hug by Lauren’s Mom wasn’t exactly expected but it was perfectly predictable as soon as it happened. Like mother like daughter. Being pulled away again by Lauren was [i]completely[/i] expected, on the other hand, and he didn’t resist whatsoever instead using the force to gracefully retreat a few places while Lauren inquired about her Dad. His face initially fell almost at the same time as hers, once he saw the look on her face, but turned to a huge grin and a soft laugh he just couldn’t hide at the [i]new[/i] look on her face. “I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about, babe.” Ben commented, hiding his amusement behind a bright, cheery smile. “What could he possibly find?” [i]I don’t even care if he goes through[/i] my [i]stuff, this is worth it.[/i]