So, let's get this done the right and proper way. We need to vote on what categories will be used this year. Since we lost all of our other SA Shenanigans, we will start all over from scratch. So, what is a better time then now to make something new? To nominate a category, simply say the category name. Keep it within the rules and make sure it is not a completely insulting category. Examples of insulting categories: Biggest Ass. Spam Slut. He/She Who Should Die in a Fire. (The Worst is still up for grabs.) Once you throw the name of a category out there, you need three people to back you up. Make it to 3 people? Good. That category will now be in the Spam Awards. They can range from anything and everything. Just make sure that it is Spam-Related and again, not insulting. (To back up a category, simple quote it and say, "Agree" or "Yes" or "[2]".) Approved Categories: Spam King Spam Queen Spam Prince Spam Princess Best Ban Spam Worst The Spamtard.