Meesei was tired, as she usually was. Her natural energy had been sapped from her by her lack of nutrition and rest, so she usually had to use magic to keep herself energized when awake. It was one of the many reasons she was finding herself less and less prone to spent time in Tamriel. Yet, even her exhaustion was not enough to prevent the anger from swelling up within her almost immediately as soon as Janius spoke. These kinds of confrontations had worn thin on her. Meesei's scowl matched Janius'. "This again? We have settled this, remember? I know what I am doing, and I know more about this than all of you combined. The potential benefits of what I could learn are immense, and I grow weary of others constantly questioning my authority in this matter. Even all of you. I thought you all brought me here for something important, but it seems like we have nothing to discuss." "This [i]is[/i] important, Meesei." Kaleeth responded in a pleading tone. Like many of the others, she was distraught to see Meesei in such a condition, and had a hard time bringing herself to even look at her in such a state. "This is your life we're talking about. Surely you can see that you're not in good shape? It's like you're just fading away...please, I just want you to be healthy again." Meesei remained just as stubborn as she had been. "This is [i]all[/i] of our lives, Kaleeth. Do you have any idea what kind of power I have been attaining? Altering the forces of nature as the Psijics, studying the ways of the Second Era nightblades; teleportation with shadow magic. I have studied magic that histories have thought long lost, or that never knew existed. I have read secrets of the Dwemer to improve our automatons, studied Ayleids, Dragons, and even the Sword-Singers. I have delved into the lore of planes of Oblivion that have never even been visited by mortals. I am so, so very close to being able to just end this war. Maybe through my own power, or perhaps finding a way to counteract their soul-tearing gas. That is all I need to do. I just need to end the threat of the gas, then I will not need the book."