Out of the two thieves, it was Bunny that spoke first. "We were paid," she said, simply, "And it was enough that we couldn't ignore it. Even though we're thieves, we can't exactly just run off with that much money without doing what we received it for, can we?" Grumbling, Kitty averted her eyes with her arms folded, making her feelings on the matter known before she even spoke. "[i]I[/i] thought we could." "Who is paying you?" Toshiko asked. That explained why it was such an unusual theft the pair of girls. It wasn't something they had wanted to steal for the spectacle of it, it was something they had stolen because they wanted to be paid, and it was an amount of money that neither of them could simply ignore. "You must have some kind of name." "He was an older man," Kitty spoke up this time, with a huff, "Kind of a creep, I'm pretty sure he was a Daidouji himself, too. He knew an awful lot about the layout of that mansion. Like he'd lived there or something."